Let's explore! As a child!

Few years later...

Ryuuji had a bag on his bag. Ryuuji wore a normal clothes that similar to peasant but he designed it to look like a hoodie. Miku who noticed her son glomped him, the melon is softly land on Ryuuji curly and wavy hair.

"Ryuu~chan~, where are you going?"

"Mom, I want to go to forest to get something."

"Um~ Okay~ Let's kiss~"

Ryuuji turned his head to meet Miku's soft lip pushed against his. Ryuu's tongue went inside and conquer Miku's. Miku's obediently followed Ryuuji's rythm. After a long time, Ryuuji let go of Miku's soft lip. Miku had entranced face.

"Mom, take care okay?"


"Mom, you should control yourself, you know..."


Ryuuji went out from mansion. He had determined to test his magic and test out this new magic, Lust magic. It was being created when Ryuuji was 8 years old, now he is 10 years old. He wanted to test it but it he didn't want to test either on his mom or cute teacher of his.

"Young master Ryuu, Let's go!~"


Ryuuji raised his hands in lazy manner. Anne who saw this laughed of how cute her student is. Ryuuji who saw this had pleasant smile, he went near to her and hold her hand. He looked at her and hugged her.

"I need to go adventuring the place. A month, that time Anne can continue become adventurer."

"But, you said you want me by you side?"

"You can use this time to train your body to be stronger. I'll be waiting, sensei."

Ryuuji used gravity control magic making him float in the air and peck her head. Ryuuji pat her head.

"I'll be waiting. Take care of Mom, she is dear to me."


"Of course, you too."


Ryuuji waved his hand as his body started to dissapearing. Anne who saw this smile, her student actually didn't need guidance at all. He looked more like someone who is very intelligent coming to a school just to sightseeing.

Ryuuji arrived at the entrance with a dark hood covering his head. He summoned his hidden sword cane. He went inside the forest without looking back.

Sun went down, Ryuuji sat on ground taking a rest. He glanced at the dark sky.

'It sure is beautiful night today.'

"I should get prepare for food tonight..."

Ryuuji stood up and hunt animal for dinner. After quite while, he found his prey and it was a magic deer. Ryuuji grinned.


"It's good! My cooking is still good!"

Ryuuji had surprised face as he continue his dinner with jolly. While enjoying his dinner he heard a soft rustling at bush near him. Summoning his weapon, his heartbeat quickened as he use support magic on himself. His fingers instinctly touch the hilt waiting that thing in the bush to come.

'It come!!!'

As fast as lightning, Ryuuji drew his blade at the being that went out of the bush. As the figure went out, surprising Ryuuji as he changed the directing to air. The winds blowed really hard that faintly same as typhoon's.

'It's a girl!!!

The girl had a bleach blonde hair, a very cute type that almost being mistaken as angel. Her body in midst of develop. Ryuuji nodded to himself,

'She wear those expensive clothes, so she is a noble daughter.'

"What are you doing here!?"

I asked but she looked scared.

'Ah my blade still near at her neck.'

"Sorry, it was reflex."


Ryuuji sheathed his sword as he store it in space storage. The girl looked at him with fear, Ryuuji sighed. He went to the girl and pulled her to his campfire.

"Are you hungry?"


The girl nodded, looked like ready to cry. Ryuuji chuckled as he fill the bowl he used and gave it to the girl. The girl had suspicious look but she tried it as if tasting medicine. Ryuuji looked at the girl softly.

'Eruna, I wonder when I can meet you...'

The girl noticed him then went near him. Ryuuji bit surprised by her action,

"W-what is it?"

"You seemed like you miss someone?"

"Yeah I do miss someone."

Ryuuji coughed a little as he looked at the girl.

'She do look like Eruna except she isn't her'

"Anyway, it's night already... You should get sleep."


The girl went to sleep. Ryuuji went sit lying his body against tree, staring at night sky. He raised his hand as he moved his hand to few gesture as a big magic shield covering their place from being smell or targeted by beasts and monsters.

'Good night.'

He dozed off.


"Where are we going, Ryuuji-san?"

"Hmm... How about you return to your home?"

"Uuu... I'm not sure where is my home..."

"Well, let's wander around. Wait here."

Ryuuji ready to jumped but interrupted by a loud sounds from a group of adventurer