
Ryuuji had a calm looked while sat on boulder with Elizabeth fishing on big lake in the middle of on of The Seven Great Area, Fairy forest. What's more is, there isn't any fairy went near them. Even adventurers asked him. His answer simply,

"I have Evil aura."

"Are you kidding?"

"You can asked John, he is priest of white magic after all."

Ryuuji snickered before Elizabeth pulled him to forest lake. Others also asked for this from John. John nodded and answered all of the question how Ryuuji's aura would like. John answered that Ryuuji could be categorised as a force that couldn't be face even whole continent. Hans and other shocked. Miss Julie also said while they found both the kids, the magic barrier there is on same level of hardness as national advanced magic barrier. They both speechless with these revelation about a kid aged 12 years old.



"You promised to teach us a way to improve."

"Oh, That time already huh?"

Ryuuji nodded agreed. He should be someone who is trustworthy even though his aura is malice.

"What's wrong Ryuuji-Onisama?"

"Why Onisama?"

"Because you said you're older than me?"

"Ah, that's just a few months, you know?"

"Eh, but..."

"I don't mind you can call me whatever you want, I'll be glad to be called by you after all."

Ryuuji talked to Elizabeth in smooth tone. Henry and Hans nodded in agreement after glanced at each other.

'We can't let our female meet this guy!!!'

"Anyway. Let's find good place to fight."


"Here looks good."

"I want your guys use your blade to battle. It's better use heavier one."

They both nodded when heard Ryuuji's order. They both take their heaviest weapon.

"I want your guys to swing that weapon everyday from morning to evening nonstop. Your guys will have breakfast before."

"How that thing is good?"

Hans asked in doubt. Ryuuji chuckled, He looked at the Old man Hans with a sigh. Henry also nodded agree with Hans statement.

"You need to make your body accustomed to heavy things and moving it in fast swing while moving around unburdened. That's what my idea supposed to be."

"No way."

"This is bullshit!!!"

"Yeah, kinda."

Both of the anger of two man flared up but stopped when saw him pulling a black steel rod that around 2 metres with ease. Ryuuji smiled sadistically as he looked at both men. His aura flared up and cover both of them.

"I want both of you to move in my domain with ease and strike at me."

They tried to move but they body couldn't move because of their instinct kept shouting in their mind.


That was shouting in their mind. They forced their body but couldn't budge at all. Ryuuji went near them. He had grin on his face as he moved around their body and asked in joking manner.

"I'm not joking when I ordered your guys to do that, because I wanted to see your reaction and make you understand what's different between absolute power with someone who don't. You could die. And train your guys so A-rank would be no far from your guys who is"

Ryuuji touched Hans shoulder. Sweat started poured out of his skin from fear. His instinct got crazy but his body wouldn't move. Ryuuji put down the black steel rod. Ryuuji chuckled before he dispersed his domain. Both the male fell to ground, Henry had tears poured out immediately as Hans had scared face.

"I'm not evil at all. I'm just try to give your guys warning. Arrogance couldn't save you at all if you face with absolute power. Your guys should tried to hold this and try to swing it."

Ryuuji pulled out another black steel rod and put it down. Ryuuji then went to fishing spot where Elizabeth waited for him. After Ryuuji gone from their eyes, they felt relief.

"What the hell is that?"

"That's domain aura. It could be trigger by a strong willed magic martial artist. But this aura could be said he is can be same as S-ranker."

".... Now what should we do?"

"We practice with these rod."

They tried to carry it but to their surprised, it weight between 35 and 40Kgs. Moreover that kid held it in one hand.

"This kid really inhuman."

"Close your mouth, Henry. You should know that he willing to teach a C-ranker like us who made fun of him because we thought it was ridiculous."

"Yeah, sorry."

"He sure told good advice, I shouldn't get arrogant even I'm strong..."

"And be careful with people around us."

They both nodded understanding. Ryuuji who hid on tree looking at them had faint smile,

'Glad your guys realised, this world may not same as my old world but the concept still same, don't be arrogant even when you're strong. These guys are good potential.'