"Um excuse me, I have something to say." Woah way to go now everyone's staring at you expecting something and I'm not even sure if I want to say it anymore, I just got to wing it and hope for the best. "I came here for a reason, and that reason is that... My mom predicted a tragedy. Around you two. But because she's too sick she couldn't come herself." Man I sure pulled that one from the hat, it sounds pretty convincing though and it is partially true.
The mood became solemn and they both had serious faces. One of the most mysterious things about my mom is that she can do what she claims is "seeing the world in black and white. " One of the effects of the printed eyes that reveal good and evil in the form of black and white auras and fortune and tragedy in black and white strings. I don't have the ability yet but it was also what she used to locate my dad apparently, even though he's pretty normal he is naive and has a nice personality, as a little more detail he's a healing-nin and has never personally been on the battle field. He does have a kekkai gekkai which effects his brain and has him understand things easier so he never had many difficulties in life, I just never cared because he has no presence.
Which also explains why Genma was skilled enough to be apart of the hokage gaurd, other than because of mom that is. "What did she say, it must be serious if she has you come even when she's in her condition. She could have waited for us to come over." Kushina had an admonishing tone while Minato held onto his concerned look.
"She told me to come right away because six months from now a tragedy will occur. Now that we can see you're pregnant I'm sure it has to do with your childbirth. That's all I know please be careful bye." I rushed out if the house as fast as I could before running home and knocked into Genma who grabbed me by the shoulders.
"Hold up there young one what's your rush, got a girlfriend?" I rolled my eyes at him before walking past him into the house. "How could I have a girlfriend I'm not even in the academy yet."
"I was just kidding but you act so mature I thought you were as old as me. I know mom puts alot of expectations on you but I want you to know I'm here to help, I'm your older brother so it's my job to help you if you're feeling stressed out." He finished his sentence by ruffling my hair and walking past me. I feel embarrassed about the fact that I actually feel better now that he's said that, this is my new reality and the fact that I'm three years old but being told I'm the fate of the galaxy is pretty difficult for anyone I would assume. I wasn't even confident about surviving this world but if I can't be a winner with all these advantages that's really concerning.
For the next six months we didn't see Minato and Kushina as often but I think they took my word seriously and are trying to prepare as much as they could. Even though I told them what happened I wanted to minimize my interference, throught the months my mother spent most of her time sleeping to keep her energy, but I can tell that her condition is getting worse. Most of the time that she's awake is spent either tutoring me or talking with my brother and dad.
Kushina is expected to have her delivery later today so this is the day that will make or break everything. "Ishaku come here I need to give you something." My mom was practically fading away at this point and her voice was very weak. I sighed because this was the perfect mood for an emotional death and I don't know if I'm ready for it. "Give me a hug please." She placed her hand on my back and I felt something warm getting increasingly hotter. "Ah" Damn that burns what the hell just happened, those where my last thoughts before passing out.
Waking up everything was blank and I almost thought that I died again except that right in front of me was a my mother sitting on the head of a GIANT WHITE WOLF. It had a rainbow colored mane and red marks tracing it's body, my mom looked just like she did when I was born and was staring down at me.
"This is Amaterasu, She is a guardian spirit that was born with you. Most clan members have one but yours is especially powerful." That's crazy, If I have this giant chakra beast as my partner I will never have to worry again." Just thinking of riding around on a giant wolf made me so exited.
"What, no are you dumb this is my beast THE MAJESTIC FAJIGAO!! yours is the runt behind it." fajita baby or whatever it was called pushed a tiny wolf pup in front of it. It looked like an exact mini version of the former except that it kept trying hide from me. I truly don't know how to feel staring at this shy yet adorable wolf pup.
"That.... Is Amaterasu?"
"Yep, you're only three years old what where you actually expecting? This place is the sealing area for Amaterasu and Is located inside of you. Her growth will be dictated by how powerful you grow and how strong you become. The connection between you two was dormant and would not have awakened for a few years until you either found her or she took the initiative to communicate with you. Apparently she seems to have a shy nature so I forced the awakening to speak in the seal." She made a short pause before sending the pup over into my arms. "This will be your partner for your entire life so make sure you take care of her, I've talked to Minato and he agreed to train you for becoming part of the new Hokage guard. Focus on learning as much as you can ok."
The more I hear her talk the more I feel like this is her saying goodbye. I just hope I become stronger soon so that I can see her again. "I will try my best, and make sure to meet you on the battle front soon ok."
"Ok, make sure to eat well and make friends, I hope that you take good care of Naruto, and don't think I didn't know you told Minato and Kushina, their fate changed after you did and I'm glad for that. Oh and that reminds me." Fajigao stooped down and mom kissed me on the forehead. A gush of power coursed through my head and flushed my eyes then everything turned black and white. When I looked up again I saw them shrouded in a black aura before dissipating and I lost conciousness.