
Erasmus was on his way to the main clan's manor when he stopped at the large gate in front of the mansion and turned to look at the Head guard of the estate Gavin who seemed to be in a meditative state. I stopped and waited for him to get out of this state until another guard shook Gavin out of his state. Gavin finally broke out of his state, and as he looked at me I decided to tease him a bit

"Oh are you just going to stare at me and not greet me" my voice boomed out at him.

As he looked at me with a pondering face probably thinking of what to answer me with he spoke

"Ah Young Master afternoon to you I was in deep thought when you came to me thus not being able to respond to you, I hope you can forgive me" I could see the fear on his face.

Given my reputation, I could completely understand his reaction, although this was a bit saddening to see this from someone I respected.

"Do not worry I was merely joking with you" I responded in a casual tone.

I walked into the manor passing through the corridors and entering the great hall where the entire family came together to discuss the war that was about to take place, thinking about giving me shivers, not of fear but of ecstasy. As I walked, I noticed my 3 Brothers and 2 Sisters sitting already and my uncles, nephews, and nieces all sitting there probably waiting for me to start the council, they all sat at a large round table and at the forefront of it was my Father, looking at him I could only describe him as

"Commonplace in complexion, in a feature, in manners, and invoice. His father middle size and of ordinary build. His eyes, of the piercing blue the auguste possessed, were perhaps remarkably cold, and he certainly could make his glance fall on one as trenchant and heavy as an axe… Otherwise, there was only an indefinable, faint expression of his lips, something stealthy — a smile — not a smile, he may have looked normal, but many would not have recognised that you were looking at the man known as the Harbinger of Chaos."

After I sat down the war council had officially started, and my father started speaking

"As you all well know the gnomes and drakes to the west of us have entered an alliance and wished to attack us, today we will be addressing the matter; Grand War Elder explain the matter to us" my father's

An old man who looked about fifty with auburn hair and piercing blue eyes stood up, this was the Grand War Elder of the Auguste Clan Meldon.

An old but majestic voice soon was heard "They seem to wish to divert our attention as the gnomes have attacked the eastern cities of Belgor and Radmill and the drakes have attacked the Western port of Nillium."

"Utter stupidity, Father you should just leave this to me I would utterly crush them if my Violet Army attacks these bunch of cows."

I looked at the location of the voice to see the one who spoke up was my elder sister Vanessa, the reckless one of the family.

"Hmm Vanessa you are correct these bunch of cows are starting to gain some intelligence I'll leave you to take care of the gnomes, anyone wants to take down the drakes "

At this moment a devilish grin spread on my face as I quickly answered.

"Father your third son will take his Golden horde and completely destroy these idiotic drakes."

"Good this matter can then be considered as dealt with I believe this council is dismissed, Vanessa and Erasmus you two stay behind."

After everybody went only us three were left in the Grand Hall. My father looked at us and said: "I want these missions completed within a month; do you understand."

"Yes Father" we replied unanimously.

"Alright then I wish you Happy hunting," my father said as we all broke into smiles.