A Legendary Being

Erasmus was currently reading a book called the "The Beauty of War". This book talked about a side of war that was not mentioned often and was often left buried and not noticed due to the misery and death that war brought. It was written by one of the greatest Authors ever in the history of Yuramia, Triton, a man who Erasmus extremely respected. It was said the author of the book was "Killed" due to his ideologies. The book stated some ideas that piqued Erasmus interest:

"What are tactics? Is it outnumbering your opponents ten to one? No that is not Tactics. So what are Tactics exactly?, It is an action or method that is planned and used to achieve a particular goal. It is the activity or skill of organising and moving soldiers and equipment in a military battle. By doing this it does not matter how much your opponents outnumber you, you will always-"

Just as Erasmus was getting into the exciting parts of the story, he was interrupted.

"General I have brought the Old Man" Yannick's voice sounded out from outside the tent that Erasmus was currently in. Erasmus was annoyed that he was interrupted however when he heard the last part of the sentence he forgot about the interruption that just took place a couple of seconds ago.

Replying to Yannick, He said: "Let him in."

After a minute a so a short Old Man entered the tent, looking at him Erasmus' eyes lit up, he could not believe the man he just saw was a man admired by many and known by little. "I truly cannot believe I am currently in the same room with a legendary being such as you."

The old man eyes narrowed his in response to Erasmus "So you do know my true Identity I take it and how did you figure it out?"

"I have my ways, and of course I do, Triton, Cardinal of the People, Patriarch of Secrets, Apostle of Gold and Baron of Tactics, Not knowing of a Legendary Being such as you would simply be akin to torture for me."

"I am not here for your admiration, is what you said in the letter true?" Listening to Triton, one could hear an agitated tone in his voice

"It Is true; I would not lie to you as that would simply be utter stupidity as both of us know."

The Old Man looked at me for a while probably looking to detect a lie in my eyes, after all a person's eyes did reveal who they indeed were. After a couple of minutes of silence, the Old Man spoke up "All right ill believe you, so what do you want me to do exactly do."

With a broad smile on my face, I said: "I want you to train my army."

"Train an army you say, Deal, however before I start I have two conditions, One the first condition I have is that I get paid every month"

"No Problem, How much do you wish to get paid" almost instantly Erasmus Replied

"One Hundred thousand Gold coins And 200 Primordial crystals."

Erasmus smile immediately turned to a frown and then he changed back to his wide smile "I see why they Call you the Apostle of Gold, the gold is no problem, however, how did you learn that I was in possession of a Primordial Crystal mine."

"Hahahaha I have my ways now are you going to pay me the primordial crystals?"

"A 100 No less, now whats your second condition."

"Hehe I can accept 100, my second condition is that you enter an oath with me, after all, I have never trusted the Auguste Clan in my long life even once."

Looking At the Old Man Erasmus Smiled "You truly are a man of wisdom, all right then you start the oath."

" I Triton Meredith, Cardinal of the People, Patriarch of Secrets, Apostle of Gold and Baron of Tactics Hereby Swear Upon The Name of My Ancestor That I shall train and guide the Golden Horde as long As Erasmus Cephalo Auguste is to Keep his promise if I so break my Oath may the Spirits of the World burn my Soul."

I Erasmus Cephalo Auguste, General of the Golden, Swear Upon The Name Of My Ancestor That I Shall Fulfill the Promise That I have given as long as Triton Meredith Is to Guide and train my army: The Golden Horde, If I so break my Oath may the Spirits of the World burn my Soul."

"Hahaha, Erasmus now I am ready to work with you."

"And so I am I, Old Man, so am I"

"Do you have any good wine, we should celebrate over this, after all this is a special occasion. Hahaha"

What the two did not know was that it indeed was a special occasion, one that would go down in the annals of history.