Kingdoms of the Continent Part One

So hey guys its the author here so what I will mainly be doing here is giving out some spoilers. I am not good at world-building, so I'll give out some information about the story here.



The Kingdom of Bunia is a vast country with a population of 8403045 elves

Bordered between a volcano to the North, an ocean to the South, a wild sea to the East and rocky beaches to the West, the country of Bunia mainly lives off jewel crafting, thieving and trade.

Bunia itself is mainly covered in forests and has a humid climate, which has lead to a scattered population, despite the number of people, which means most of them to live in small towns.

The Kingdoms landscape is gorgeous; green, open fields, soft, foggy fields and pristine, snow-covered fields are just a sliver of the brilliance Bunia has to offer, which is why the country is a famous destination among foreigners.

The people of Bunia are reserved towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with disinterest. They feel foreigners could pollute the kingdoms's well being.

Bunia has resolute laws and law enforcement, which is relatively standard. The people are displeased due to spreading diseases, caused by sticking to outdated traditions.

This is also reflected in the kingdom's flag, which has two circles in grey, dark gold, light bronze and purple. Their coat of arms is a crescent moon with two keys on either side. The are allies with The Imperium of Yuramia



The country of Gorus is a humble country with a population of 805522 humans

Bordered between a sea to the North, a large mountain to the South, desert land to the East and a huge ocean to the West, the country of Gorus mainly lives off mining, farming and tailoring.

Gorus itself is mainly covered in shallow lakes and has a tropical climate, which has lead to a cramped population, despite the number of people, which means most of them to live in settlements.

The country's landscape is treacherous; rocky beaches, sombre architecture and wild, overgrown forests are just a sliver of the blankness Gorus has to offer, which is why the country is a skipped destination among foreigners.

The people of Gorus are polite towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with warmth and kindness. They feel foreigners could augment the country's well being.

Gorus has rigid laws and law enforcement, which is quite reasonable. The people are disturbed due to a lack of skilled artisans, caused by remnants of a dark history.

This is also reflected in the country's flag, which has three connected circles in brown, light pink, bronze and light grey. Their coat of arms is a mythical bird surrounded by smaller spiritual symbols

The Country was once a vassal of Yuramia thus there is a hostility between the two although Gorus is far weaker than Yuramia



The country of Emain is a modest country with a population of 654955 fairies

Bordered between a huge mountain to the North, a calm river to the South, a swampland to the East and a huge lake to the West, the country of Emain mainly lives off wine brewing, blacksmithing and woodcrafting.

Emain itself is mainly covered in frozen lakes and has a polar climate, which has lead to a compactly concentrated population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in huge towns.

The country's landscape is lovely; pink blossom forests, imposing fjords and small, playful waterfalls are just a sliver of the allure Emain has to offer, which is why the country is favored among foreigners.

The people of Emain are sympathetic towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with generosity. They feel foreigners could fortify the country's well being.

Emain has humane laws and law enforcement, which is fairly normal. The people are violent due to mediocre medicine, caused by horrible leadership.

This is also reflected in the country's flag, which has one circle in dark blue, light brown, dark orange and dark pink. Their coat of arms is a sickle on a hexagon