The Fated Meeting

Lionel stood at the entrance of the Arena. He stood among a long line of people waiting to enter the Arena where the tournament introduced by the the General Erasmus was to take place.

It was an arena that so large that perhaps the words that one would have to use describing the arena could not be anything more than 'Inconcievably massive.'

It could hold a capacity of up to Three hundred thousand people.

However, there were all ready nearly a hundred thousand people and the tournament had not even begun yet.

Before even realizing it Lionel had reached the entrance where two guards stood entrance.

"Ten Silver's to enter, if you want a good seat with a great view it would be two gold." The guard said. His tone monotone as if he had said this thousands of times."

"I'll take the offer of a good seat." Lionel said. Searching around his pockets he eventually took out two shining coins. These coins had the symbol of a horde of golden beasts and were part of the salary that Lionel had received.

The guard took the money, checking it for proof that it was real. Suddenly, he froze. His body stiff as his body language changed. Standing in a straight manner he stood in a military pose and holding his hand on his chest he gave out a salute.

"Sir you do not need to pay. You can just go to the left and towards the VIP section." The guard said. His previous monotone voice gone as he spoke enthusiastically.

Lionel walked in the directions that the man had given him and soon found himself in a hallway.

The hallway was full of painting on the wall. Each and everyone of then seemed to be staring at him. Scrutinizing him as he walked down the hallway.

No matter what direction he walked in they (The paintings) looked at him. Creeper out at this, Lionels footsteps stated to become faster until there was a thin line left to cross between walking and running.

The seeming endless hallway seemed to finally come to an end as he reached a large red door that said. VIP.

Opening the door Lionel saw a lot of smaller doors each seeming containing a small room that. These rooms were looking directly down at the arena.

Being optimistic Lionel went towards the largest door. He slowly opened and peeked in it.

A man sat there looking down at the arena. Adorned in a white fur coat that covered his entire body and a noble aura surrounding him the man semed to be divine.

However, Lionel knew this man.

He was the General of the Golden Horde. Erasmus Auguste.

As Lionel wished to close the door before being recognised a voice sounded out.

"Don't bother. Come in." The voice- belonging to Erasmus said.

Lionel paused. Unsure of what to do before he opened the door once more and entered the room. Going in a military pose such as the previous guard had done before.

"Yes, General is there anything you need of me." Lionel said.

"I require you to sit, That is an order and from the formalities, Lionel." Erasmus replied.

Shocked that the General knew my name. A low ranked soldier within the Golden Horde.

"Do not think yourself special. I make it a mission to know all of the names of the men who's lives depend on me." Erasmus said.

That may have been true however when the Old Man mentioned the name of Lionel to Erasmus more than once, He had no choice but to remember it.

"Lionel tell me what you think I organised this tournament for?" Erasmus asked out of the blue.

"To uphold the reputat-"

"Don't tell me that Bullshit, I know you are intelligent, tell me your real thoughts?" Erasmus interjected.

"Manipulation. That is all this tournament was organised for. You may have been able to gather all of the warriors across the imperium to fight. But it is neither for glory nor honour."

"What do you view it as? Disgust." Said Erasmus

"No, in-fact I see I as something essential to us. By recruiting these warriors and mages the Golden Horde will be vastly strengthened. Ultimately it will also strengthen me and power is something i desire deeply." His previous shyness gone, Lionel spoke with confidence in his voice.

"I will grant you this power you so deeply desire as long as you do one thing." A glint of deception in his eyes Erasmus said.

Lionel was ecstatic with joy. However, upons seeing the look in the Generals eyes he knew what would be asked of him was not going to be easy to accomplish.

"What is the one major weakness in the plan I have made for this tournament?" Erasmus questioned Lionel.

Upon hearing this Lionel shook his head going into deep thought. A sense of realisation soon engulfed him as his expression changed. What was the one thing that The General needed and how did it tie itself to the tournament.


No matter if the strong people participating in the Tournament joined the Golden Horde or not. Loyalty was an absolute and considering that the people had little to no loyalty to the l Auguste Clan and the City. Only admiration and respect at best.

Upon seeing that Lionel understood what he meant. Erasmus said: "I want you to use that intelligence of yours to find a way to make them loyal to me. No matter what you have to do. In return I will grant you power that you can not even begin to fathom."

Before Lionel could even begin to respond a Voice boomed out in the arena.This voice was powerful and loud as it said:

"Men and Women, today we are creating history as the first ever tournament of our youths competing will commence right here in Reinhardt.

Before we start I want to say as this tournament has been organised by the Third Young Master of the Auguste Clan, Erasmus Cephalo Auguste, it will be named in his honour. The tournament will be called The Cephalos Tournament from now on.

And Without any further due I hereby announce the start of the First ever Cephalos Tournament."