Dex's struggles

-- Dex's POV, at the beginning of the lecture --


Before this catastrophe, we were just some puny humans in the eyes of the other races but now they are the puny ones in our eyes hahahahaha !!"

"Hahahaa!! The teacher is right! The teacher is right! We are strong! Strong!"

"Haha! Gustav Tarray transformed us into gods!"

"You are right Duno! Without him, we would only live a worthless life while being subdued but the other races!"


This is somewhat pitiful to see someone like Professor Balmon acting this way. But not surprising.

Commoners are simply ignorant. It's not like they know nothing but that they are simply ignorant about cultivation and the world around us, humans.

Tss! Just thinking about this just pisses me off!

Why do I have to stay here, in this class and pretend to be one of them?

Our kingdom isn't as safe as you may be thinking you fools!

It's us that --

"Professor Galmon ! I have a question!"


This girl ... blond hair and brown eyes ... isn't she Lala? The girl with no friend who always sits alone in a corner of the class.

What does this usually cold, arrogant yet quiet girl has to say?

"Ha - if I remember correctly your name is Lala Delmondo? What's your question?"

"I am Lala Delmon professor. My question is about the technique used to subdue the evil. I heard that nowadays we have five different techniques used in order to subdue them. But why do we have five techniques if the first one worked perfectly?"

Ha, here it is.

I have to say, I am a little startled to hear that from her. Who would have expected this girl to be cultivated and to already know of the existence of the five seals?

But Lala, you'll never know the truth. Haha, it's not that Professor Galmon will lie to you but he simply doesn't know the truth himself. And neither do the commoners.

As for me, I didn't know of the existence of those lies till the day I turned 16.

I remember vividly that night. Because Father not only revealed to me the truth behind the five seals but also the truth about the kingdom.

What he said turned my view of the world upside down. The more Father was speaking and the more shocked I was.

I had many questions in mind... 'If this is the truth then why do we have to hide it from commoners?' or 'Why do we keep telling them that we are superior to our neighboring races?' ... but I simply I had to keep them for myself for fear that Father might beat me up. Yes, beat me up. He rarely ever does that, except when I do something terrible for his business or when he loses face because of me.

What shocked me the most was not that though, but the last couple of sentences he told me. As of today, I can still hear them ringing into my hears.

'This lie is the root of the commoner's ignorance and yet this root is like a thread for us nobles. Our lives are only hanging by this thread. So never ever think of revealing this to anyone or else...', while saying this, his expression turned to that of a prey escaping its hunter. Fear, confusion, distress, and expectations were written all over his face. But still, fear was dominant and for me, it was due to something and someone.

That person... It was crystal clear to me: it was me. And what he feared was as he said: me telling those commoners the truth.

As for the former, at that time I simply didn't know what it was.

As of today, I don't understand the logic behind this principle of lying to commoners...

But one thing is for sure: they are a threat to us, nobles. Because just a slip of our tongue and we might "disappear" suddenly from the world.

This is why I kind of hate the commoners. Us nobles, are chained by a secret that we can't comprehend. I wish I could just be eighteen already and become a real cultivator so that I won't have to be with them anymore!

"Ha sorry about that! Well, everyone, the remarque of Miss Delmon is very good and it was exactly the next subject of this lecture! Why do we have five different techniques to subdue the evil souls if the first one worked perfectly fine? Any guess?"

That one is for me. I have to answer this, I don't want to come across as someone who doesn't know this. It's a question of face as a noble.

Alright, let's pretend then... whatever, history is a set of lies agreed upon.

"Yes? Dex what is your answer?", Professor Galmon saw me. But why does he have to drop my last name when he just called Lala by her full name?

Tss, in the future, when I'll have joined the Imperial Sect, I'll come and see you. I'd like to hear how you'll call me then!

Anyway, let's calm down and answer.

I stand up, claps my arms behind my back.

"I think the answer lies in the talent of the evil! The better the talent, the more powerful the technique!"

"Mmh ... So it means that in your opinion each evil is born with a talent and that there are five levels of talents? Interesting... it's the right answer! Well almost haha! We use different techniques - seals if you prefer - depending on the talent of your evil. But let me tell you first that as commoners we all have an evil with the same level of talent. Our evil's talent is called Level 1 of talent. Only one person every couple of millions can have something superior. With our level of talent, we can only meditate every other day and let it stagnate but it's said that we are still more powerful than the other races haha! Where you were partially wrong was that there are only four levels of talent, not five! The last one is a very powerful seal used for criminals so as to render their evil totally useless! The first one was invented in 3439 by Gustav Tarray, the famous scientist who transformed us into cultivators! The others were invented in—"

Well well well, when I said that history is a set of lies agreed upon... Everything he says is not true except for the dates and the names. It's just that the reasons behind the seals is totally different from what Professor Galmon teaches us.


There are five seals because we have five level of cultivation. The level of talent doesn't require the need for a more powerful seal.

This is so frustrating... to know the truth but not know why you have to hide it.