2.1.13: First Party (II)

Something she absolutely hated about this time period was their method of transportation. The carriage ride was not only bumpy—seeing as they didn't have proper grey roads—it was also making her nauseous and uncomfortable. And the time here with the carriage was much longer. What she estimated to be twenty four kilometers took about three hours. When they finally arrived, Xiao Yunhua noticed the large mansion that stood before them. It wasn't as big as the Warrington one, but it was significantly big enough to showcase their authority as a noble clan.

Others had already gotten there and the decorations were far and wide for the Roman young miss. Her eyes were wide with admiration but the Duchess gave her a stern look, immediately reminding her of her position. She cleared her throat and blinked away any hints of emotion, following the Duchess elegantly to the main entrance.