Episode 10


Adam roars like a wild beast.He can't feel her aura nearby as deities doesn't have elaborated aura sensing like the all mighty Devil.He was known in many names the Executioner,Fallen Angel and in many more,Even though everyone hated him everyone feared him of the mighty power that matches the toughest of gods.Adam always wondered how Zeldus have wounded him mortally.


Adam voice is mixed with anxiety and rage.

"She wouldn't betray me...No she won't"

Adam and Hawa was mates from highschool,His honesty and pride and thrist for knowledge always attracted Hawa.He always believes in destiny and true love...Her true name was Andrea...She changes her name for him,Why would a girl like that betrays Adam.

"No,it is the otherway around"

Adam dashes in search of his mate.

"You been absent for two days,Amal"

The lecturer was staring deeply towards Amal..He was standing infront of the door.

"And you are late..?"

The lecturer points towards his watch.

"Iam,sorry sir I been busy"

"Busy... What busy you have rather than studies...Is it why your parents send you here to study from another state...?"

"I mean sir not like that"

"Then what"

"Amal can we just burn this athethic ingrate..."

Lucifer was irritated by the way the words of Lecturer.

"Go and see the H.O.D and come...Tell him the reason that you are busy so you can't attend the class"

The whole class laughs.

Amal walks back taking a deep breath of disregard.

"Is this thing unavoidable..?"


"This college"

"Iam afraid it is"

"This is way more tortureous than hell...."

Lucifer having anger in his words.Amal walks

like a snail into the H.O.D room and pushes the door.

"May I come in sir.?"


He was a bald man with a lot of beard with a serious look on his face.He wears a square spectacles and whie shirt with blue strips.He

pushes his chair back.

"Oo Amal what is it"

"Sir... I couldn't attend the class for two days"

"Why..? Amd look at the time I think you must be late as well..Right"


"Do you have a reasonable explanation for the absence and your arrogant attitude lately"

"Iam sorry Sir Iam just being honest with you..I was busy in finding a part-time job so...."

"Did you find it then..?"

"Yes sir,Night shift in an social media promoting company.."

"Which one"

"Amal slice that tongue of this human right now.."

Lucifer's empathethical reflexes are felt by Amal.He smiles

"Is there something to find"

"Yellow paper sir in Virgumbakkam"

H.O.D frowns his eyelashes in curiosity

"It is a new one sir"

Amal can feel the empathitical sense of other humans as well.

"Silent hypnosis"

Amal stares into the eyes of H.O.D and chanted the words in mind.

"What in world H.O.D's most desire was lust....That's insane for a strict man like him"

"You can go now Amal,Don't repeat this again"

H.O.D smiles at Amal,Amal walks away thanking him as he snaps out amd holds his head

"What just happened..?"

The photography class was Amal's favorite another was scriptwriting both of them are strong tools in nower days world and Amal won't miss it in all costs.The college was over soon.News are still filled with the vicious attack on broken bridge and on the police station and cemetary.Patroling become more active during the night time.Adam looks everywhere in chennai city to find a leading hint.He can't find the aura of Hawa anywhere.

"This is not a joke Hawa where are you,It's only been half a day and Adam feels like almost a decade,Hawa was the perfect woman for Adam....She always understands and supported him,encourages his activity during college time,He and Zeldus was polar opposite or he just say Tien..But both have shares the same dream.To brave enough to look for the world that humans are afraid to find or to even look.Adam senses the darkness in him thrist in power by any means necessary,Adam is a man of certain agendas that made him the man he is now or even more a deity.

"She must have been supressing her aura lately what is she thinking...?"

Adam looks in the sky there was no moon at that time.

Amal was improving very faster each night of rough training,He is pushing his body and soul to limit even something Lucifer was impressed about.



"I know you are different than rest..There is darkness inside you or even I say hollow..What happens you at in such young age..?"

Amal stops for a moment....

"That's odd of you"

"Well I just feels like I want to know"

"Well,Questions can't really draw a way to answer,People always dislike the questionpaper and to answer even if they know the answer its not an exam"

"Now,you are the one who is lulling me to sleep"

"Don't pamper too much you sick devil,Ypu are not getting anything from me"

Amal continous his training.Amal gets out of the realm.

"It's morning..But a week passed for me,The realm is a unique place indeed...Well each hour felt like decades in my life lately"

Amal make a yawn and head towards bathroom.He opens the tap and appky paste on his brush amd starts to brush his teeth.

"Lucifer it's odd"

"You felt it too right"

"Yeah I can't feel an aura there should be two of them"

"Deities are good at supressing auras you can only find if you only concentrate..You improved a lot and you can't use this techniwue always because deities from heaven can track your location..That's why you can only use it for a little amount of time"

"It is like the modern day hacking"

"More like that.."

Amal takes a relaxing bath as he pours in his body.The cold water hits his scramps as it was burning

"It need more time to heal"

The bath was super relaxing to Amal.He gets out of the bathroom drying his hair.

"I can't be late to college today...?"

Amal dresses up quickly and gets out of the apartment,He goes to the usual tea shall and for his morning boost.

People was having loud talks in their mother tongue tamil.

"It is still in news I think end of earth is nearby"

"Ohh is it,Hey turn on the radio.."

He yells from the corner

"Anna,one boost"

Amal takes his order as the teastaller turns the radio on.

"Thampi,did you know what happened yesterday"

Amal shakes in head in a manner on know.

"Some creature was found dead on broken bridge the same place we get the bodies"

As the radio was spitting out some shocking news

"Still police are covering the area and more forensic's are coming..Is this a secret operation lead by another country...?The creature look like a tiger ripped half and have a huge sharp tooth"

Amal felt a shockwave on his mind.

Forensic was covering the area as policemen have guarding the area from people and media.A mass of crowd have gathered their to see the once in a life time seen.Forensic have taking sample of blood.

"What is this thing..?"

Some looks it in a terrifying manner as the Humanoid tiger like creature who is have huge tooth one was pierced into its eye and ripped in half,It have huge breasts in and the abdomen was pierced in half the intenstine was lured out..the blood was almost dry.

Long from a distance Adam suddenly lunches infront of the deadbody.

People was terrified as seen a man was jumps from a huge distance.His eyeball doesn't moves away from the disfigured face.Adam roars in deep pain
