Just Another Day.

"Hey don't run so fast! What kind of disciples are being trained at the sect that would run away from little ole me?!" Hu Tao yelled as he chased his prey through the woods.

'You insane bastard! Everyone knows that fighting with you is a waste of time!'

'You're anything but little you crazy fucker! Who'd want to fight the Fighting Maniac who treats every battle as a life or death fight!?'

'Little my ass! I'm not risking my life fighting with this Fighting Retard!'

  The disciples didn't take Hu Tao's bait and ran for their lives. They ran with everything they had to escape from the Fighting Maniac. He didn't care about magical treasures, he didn't care about spirit stones, he didn't even care for the temptation of the flesh! All he wanted was to fight! He was insane! A true madman was after their lives.

  Hu Tao was amused seeing them all scurry like rats. They even used valuable treasures that could only be used a single time to slow him down. But while chasing them was fun and all, he was hoping they were actually running to meet up with their groups. Then it would be a real party!

  His eyes locked on to the strongest rat running and it was a female disciple at the 3rd stage. He wondered why she was running from him when he was one stage below her. A 3rd stage Qi Consolidator usually wasn't this cowardly. They must have something important to hide if they aren't willing to fight him! Everyone knows that the lower realms don't stand a chance against those at a higher realm. Unless they're from a great clan, family, or a prodigy.

"You're mine, sweet cheeks!" Hu Tao lunged at her like a horny monkey from atop a tree branch.

"I wouldn't have it any other way you scum!" Hu Tao suddenly realized it was a trick! Just before he jumped at her, she swallowed something!

  She wanted him to attack her! His infinitely tough chains protected his body from being split in half by the girl's powerful qi blades. Hu Tao couldn't help but whistle in amazement as he was sent flying backward. Whatever she just swallowed made her three times as strong as she was before. Now this was an unexpected present. Her martial technique wasn't simple either. The way that her qi coated around her arms made it seem like she was wielding two blades that could split through any metal. Something like that takes a lot of qi control and talent. Hu Tao could do it too but he preferred not doing something like that. It drained his qi faster than he would like and the chains were more useful as weapons.

"Who the hell are you?" Hu Tao asked.

  Someone with this much talent trying to kill him. It wasn't often that Hu Tao could get a fight like this. If he knew the reason why, he could piss them off even more by insulting the reason why they're even after him. Maybe she would be willing to swallow a second pill if he made her mad enough. Then this could be an actual battle for a few minutes.

"You don't remember who I am after what you did to me? After who you killed!?" She screamed.

"Nope. Come on, refresh my memory, will ya? I'm sure I would remember a sexy piece of ass like you. Did I kill your boyfriend? Brother? Sister? Father? Mother? Its gotta be one of those right?" Hu Tao casually joked.

"You... You... Monster! The world would be better off with villains like you dead!" She dashed towards him, riled up with righteous fury.

"Ah come on. You're not helping me paint the picture here." Hu Tao easily dodged her deadly slashes. "Now which weakling was it that I hurt to get you to come after me? It had to be your boyfriend, right?" Her attacks increased in ferocity.

"Aha! So that's who it was. You know the punk bitch wasn't any good for you anyway. If he died by me that just means I was the better man. You should spend a night with me and I'll make you forget all about that weak little shit you had before." Hu Tao teased even more.

  Now this was getting a reaction out of her real good. Her attacks were becoming much sharper and filled with viciousness. Every slice of her qi blades was targeting one of his vital points. It's too bad that she was still so fucking sloppy. He could see where her attacks were coming before she even threw them. But she had potential to entertain him in the future. Just right now, she was nothing more than a little brat letting out her frustration over her dead boy toy.

  Hu Tao whipped his leg into her gut, disabling her with a single concentrated attack. Using all the physical strength in his leg, it sent her flying into a tree, snapping it in half. Hu Tao could see it in her eyes the exact moment she realized that she was outclassed. The pain of his kick didn't even need to set in before she realized that she lost. As his kick was heading towards her, she understood that avoiding it was impossible. The power behind that simple looking attack was more than anything she threw at him so far.

  The look in her eyes that were filled with such rage and blind fury earlier all came crashing down. She was still weaker than him. Far weaker than she thought she was. He stood over her with an amused smile. That kick of his was supposed to knock her out cold but her spirit was better than he gave her credit for. She stared at him with the same glare she had before they started their 'fight'. Wait no, her glare looked even scarier now. Good, if she keeps training maybe one day, she'll be able to give him a good work out. But right now, she couldn't even move after taking his one kick. A kick that was used without any qi infused into it.

  That was one of the weaknesses of qi cultivators. They couldn't take a hit to save their lives! Which is why this girl was doing nothing but glaring at him right now. She couldn't do anything else but glare! Her body was too damaged.

  That's why most of them use life-protecting treasures and talismans to defend against physical hits. Hu Tao was a cultivator who travelled down both paths. Both a body cultivator and a qi cultivator. He wondered why she didn't have any of her own life-protecting amulets or spells of her own though. With martial art techniques that skilled, she couldn't be a peasant like him. She had to be from a cultivation clan.

"See ya later girlie. I've got some actual fights to be getting to. Next time get some actual fighting experience under your belt. Cause you suck shit at fighting right now. You might got some high-ranked martial techniques but those aren't worth jack shit if you can't use them in a real fight." Hu Tao turned around and waved goodbye.

"Wait...!" She spat blood as she tried to speak despite her injuries. "Do... you really not know who I am...?" She asked. Was what happened to her and Shen so insignificant? Or was this something that Hu Tao does so frequently that he can't keep track?

"Should I know your name weakling?" Hu Tao vanished from her sights, leaving her all alone coughing up a large amount of blood from her mouth.


  Meili sent qi into the talisman within her pocket. Her internal injuries began slowly healing with a glowing green light covering her body. The sky looked so far away today...

'Would you think that the sky looks too far away to grab, like me, or close enough to hold in your hand, Shen?' She laughed, coughing up more blood.

  You were always so optimistic and kind compared to everyone else. It isn't fair... It isn't fair that such a horrible person is allowed to live so freely while yours was taken for doing what was right. Is being a good person such a bad thing? Why do the heavens seek to reward the vile and punish the kind?

'I can't accept living in such a world like that. If the heavens themselves are against me, then I will shatter the heavens! If no one else finds a problem with villains like Hu Tao running around, then I will! If being kind, caring, and magnanimous is looked down on, then I will be the most shunned person in the world! This world is in need of a changing and I'm the only one who realizes it. I can't do it alone and I can't do it while I'm so weak. I need more strength. Enough strength to change the world into a place that would make Shen proud...' She wiped the tears off her face and staggered off into the distance.

  She can't go against the world with her strength as it is now. Even if she was the Sect Leader's daughter of the powerful Emerald Grass Slaying Sect, it didn't mean anything if her own strength was insignificant. Meili would have to increase her training 100-fold if she wished to make any real progress. As things stand now, she was alone, weak, and had no allies. Finding allies would have to come later. No one would want to follow behind a weak leader.

  These Treasured Plains would be her greatest chance to increase her strength. She would find no other better opportunity to quickly rise in power than now. Meili would say that it was her only chance. She had to find numerous treasures within the next month before the Treasured Plains end. Then she would get her revenge on Hu Tao at the Grand Tournament. Knowing that he'll only get even stronger than he is right now, she might even have to increase her training 200 times as much.

"Shen... I won't let your memory fade away. I will change this world into something that would make you proud. I promise. Just watch me." Meili vowed.