
Soulmate, where have you been? Captivating

Ethan notices the womans' gestures.

"What's the matter with the painting?" he thought walking towards her.

"Why is she not moving?"

"What's wrong with this woman?" Ethan looked at her with curiosity.

"She's crying over a painting? This woman is so sensitive," he thought.

"Uhm! What's your point of view regarding this painting?" Ethan said in a nasty tone.

"Don't you find it quite interesting?" He whispered behind her ear.

"Shit! she smells so sweet" he gulped, surpassing his feelings.

"Let me remind you this, Don't mess with my favorite painting! That's the only painting that I accepted as a gift from my late grandmom!" He said as he patted her shoulder since she is not yet moving.

She heard him, every word., but she couldn't face him.

"If I'll face him now, with my defense at its lowest level, I may end up crying and confessing my real identity to him," she thought.

"Ugh. Uhm" She cleared her throat.

"My point of view?"

"Nothing. I Don't even understand this painting?"

"If you'll excuse me Bigboss," she said as she reached the doorknob and hurriedly step inside the room.

"That was so close!" She thought.

"I have to control my emotions. I can't be revealed now" She said while clenching her fist.

Ethan on the other hand left with questions running through his head.

"Does she know the one who paints this?"

If he could only ask her late grandmom now, he would ask her if who is the painter.

"I've searched for years, the only thing that I knew is this signature at the bottom, Soulmate V," he thought, as he approached the painting.

"Soulmate V, grandmom said, as I remembered, you are a lady with a contagious smile and you're my destined love, my soulmate?"

"Let me find you soon," Ethan said with determination in his voice while heading to his room.

The storm outside is getting worse.

Ethan looked at the window in his room.

"I deal with you later, you lying little wench. Shi, venus,"

"Urgh! Fuck!" He suddenly combs his hair with his fingers as if this can clear his mind.

"She can't deny her tears," he thought.







As she sat on the edge of the bed, she immediately opens her backpack and grabbed her phone to send messages to her relatives, confirming that she's okay. Suddenly she noticed that there are some women's accessories at the table, there's a robe that was folded neatly, a hairbrush, perfume, face towel, and sanitary pads???

"Huh? Seriously? If he's living alone? Who prepared all of this stuff?" She murmured.

"Maybe there's a lot more at the closet,?" She uttered, as she stepped closer to the door that has pink and white roses designs. This is true, a girl's things.

"How thoughtful he is, that psycho Bigboss!" She laughs cheerfully as she opens the closet, and, to her surprise, she rolled her eyes, as she's looking at those fine items of clothing that right in front of her.

"This is awesome!" she exclaims, "but? This isn't mine, maybe, all of this is or his girlfriend".

"Well? Whoever his girlfriend, she's well pampered" she said.

She hurriedly closed the door and pick up the robe.

"Maybe this thing can be borrowed," she said as she makes her way to the bathroom.

The bathroom is somewhat too spacious.

All designs were merely white and pink roses.

She filled the bathtub with lukewarm water and gently remove all her clothing, leaving nothing,

She's totally naked.

Before she leaped at the bathtub, to merge herself she reached out to his phone, tap on her song's playlist, and put it on the side table where an unknown plant is on it.

Playing one of her favorite songs. The title "Don't Close Your Eyes"

I know you loved him

A long time ago

Even now in my arms

You still want him I know

But darling this time

Let your memories die

When you hold me tonight

Don't close your eyes

Don't close your eyes

Let it be me

Don't pretend it's him

In some fantasy

Darling just once

Let yesterday go

You'll find more love

Than you've ever known

Just hold me tight

When you love me tonight

And don't close your eyes

Maybe I've been a fool

Holding on all this time

Lyin' here in your arms

Knowing he's in your mind

But I keep hoping someday

That you'll see the light

Let it be me tonight

Don't close your eyes

Don't close your eyes

Let it be me

Don't pretend it's him

In some fantasy

Darling just once

Let yesterday go

You'll find more love

Than you've ever known

Just hold me tight

When you love me tonight

And don't close your eyes


She then submerged herself and closed her eyes, as songs on her Phone was playing,

She let herself take on a nap.

"Oh? Well? Just a nap"

She indulges herself in the song's melody.

Don't close your eyes

Let it be me

Don't pretend it's him

In some fantasy

Darling just once

Let yesterday go

You'll find more love

Than you've ever known

Just hold me tight

When you love me tonight

And don't close your eyes

Just hold me tight

When you love me tonight

And don't close your eyes








Ethan knew the secret adjoining door of the two bedrooms.

He knows because it's his own designed.

The other bedroom is supposedly for his soulmate V, the painter of his favorite painting.

He dreamt about meeting her someday. So he filled ladies' stuff on that bedroom.