
The bond

Two years of taking the identity of her late best friend, and even adapting all her own self as Tang Shi, disregarding her true identity, making it all as she's really Tang Shi.

"What happened? How come that her identity been revealed all of a sudden? What happened to those people behind me? Are they now on the devil's side? Do they also want all the Imperial's wealth to fall on their hand?" Venus deep thought. She can't sleep. Those secret alliances that her late grandmother told her and also she did meet once, during her 14th birthday party at Country A.

"Are they now turning their back?"

Uncle Tang Long knew that somebody helped them to hide the death of Tang Shi, his niece. But she's the only one who met them in person. They only contacted Uncle Tang Long through secret envelopes.

To the Tang Family, Tang Shi being alive was their only option it's a secret family matter to the Tang Family, and also, it's a win-win situation, thus, to hide her true identity.

Sounds crazy, but she and Tang Shi, on the other hand, so much looked alike, their like twins.

Alongside her conversation with uncle Tang Long before her flight to country A, he also handed her a secret envelope, which was addressed to uncle Tang Long...

"Be aware! somebody managed to hack the confidential information regarding Tang Shi and Venus Imperial. "

Venus can't think of any possibilities why the confidential information about her been leaked.

"Ms. Venus!? Still awake?! Master Lu wants a word from you" It's Vladimir's voice, one of the Master's confidants.

Venus opened the door and gently nodded at Vladimir, they're at the same age.

They walked together, heading to the room of their Master Lu, the son of her old Master, she was five years old back then.

"Master?" Venus bowed down to show respect.

"Vladimir will accompany you to T country, I have prepared two Identification cards, one is your true identity, use it in your new school, the second one, still Tang Shi, use it when you're on a travel."

"But? if you want to still use the identity of Tang Shi in your new school, you still can, don't worry about Venus Imperial school records, the Dean knew about it" Master Lu, stated.

"Vladimir will be the one in full charge of your daily expenses and buying your personal things as well."

"As you enter your new school premises, just focus on your study and your training as well, you must be kept away from your grandfather's brother, Alejo"

"He's the acting Chairman of Imperial Corp. now after the death of Grandma Nie," Venus said.

"Yes, indeed, but? they're looking after you now, one of my men who's been working secretly at Imperial Corp as one of their attorneys send me a message not long ago."

"It's all about the old Ang," Master Lu said in a worried tone.

"The old Ang?! is it Grandma Beatrice's husband?", Venus is shocked.

"It's about the last will of Madame Beatrice, and a deal between her and Madame Annie, you knew it already, don't you?" Master Lu said in a calm voice.

"The marriage!?" Venus thought...


"Marrying Ethan Ang?" Venus smiled bittersweet. "He doesn't even know me at all, He just remembered me as Tang Shi," she thought.

"I could write a billion on the blank check that he gave me, but a million can do, I will return his money, just not yet, this time. Being humiliated by his arrogance, and raped by him? whoa? rape?? with your skills you could fight her girl, but you didn't !!!" Venus's inner voice echoed in her ears.

"uhm! uhm! a penny for your thought?" Vladimir cleared his throat, thus, interrupted her.

"Old Ang, asked your hand for marriage with his eldest grandson Ethan Ang, as respect and fulfillment to the last will of his late wife. Thus, Alejo Imperial is in a hurry to find you, but? we will not let that happened, not yet time," Master Lu explained.

"Be ready now! Vladimir! kept her safe and secure at all times!" master Lu said in a serious tone.

"I swear with my life Master!"

Vladimir bowed down.













Three months passed...




T country.....




Vladimir and Venus attend the same class.

Many students notice that they were aloof...

But they admired her intelligence, she's far from them, she's very smart, no single question that she couldn't answer, but her identity still remains as Tang Shi. The school dean was Master Lu's closest friend, though her left face is covered with a mask, she's quite gorgeous, the students gossiping about the Dean's left face that it was burnt and had an ugly scar, but Venus doesn't mind it at all.

Vladimir on the other hand is very caring and thoughtful to her...Some students eyeing them.

A knight and a Princess, that's what the other students called them.

Venus felt unusual today...

She felt dizzy while the professor in their literature class is in the mood of reading a novel.

"The Knight "

"Sounds interesting! but I've read the book already," Venus thought

Thus, make her fell asleep...





Ethan, on the top, again of most promising young bachelor of the Country, spend his nightlife with drinks and women.

Caleb and Ben knew that he's still looking after Venus Imperial, a minor, only seventeen, tsk! tsk! tsk! Ben looked at him as a helpless case.

"He's really madly in love with a minor," Caleb uttered.

"What are you two mumbling about? huh? you two?", Ethan glared at them, while caressing the two women beside him, but? no one couldn't satisfy him, rather than his Lady Venus.

The thought of her makes him felt guilty, he's longing for her.

He contacted Eagle but to his surprised Eagle send him a message, "My job? includes, concealing her identity, no one can trace her whereabouts, unless permitted by me" that's the message.

Ethan couldn't help but clench his fist, Ben is quite sure has his own reasons why he's still mad at his twin brother, like he is, right now. A punch on Eagle face will do.

Ethan emptied his glass.

"No matter what, I'll find you! My Venus!" He thought. His eyes darkened when one of the women beside him tried to kiss him on the lips.

"Get out!!!" he yelled.

The two girls felt embarrassed, they've frightened by the cold and distant tone of Ethan, they've rushed out through the door of the VIP room.

Ben and Caleb, sighed while making a toast, their friend, this time is quite serious to a girl.

"But? hey bro?! What if she's pregnant? and carrying your own child? what will you do?" Ben said while pouring wine on his glass.

Ethan shrugged helplessly. Well, it has been three months.

"Then, locate Eagle for me! Your fucking twin brother seems to know a lot about Venus," Ethan said, trying to control his emotions.

"If protecting the identity of Venus is one of Eagle's jobs right now, all you can do is, ask him, if your woman, is alright," Ben said in a serious tone.

He knew his twin brother, is a man with honor and dignity and takes care of his job seriously, no friends, nor a family, can interfere.

Just like before.