Xueyu lowered her eyes down toward her burned chest. The charred skins had already turned into a horrifying sight, Nirvana Fire had done its magic but somehow she can still spot the subject of her glance.
"M... master, I'm sorry."
On her chest, close to her heart was a small indistinguishable birthmark.
When she was a child, she hated the mark, it had marred her body like a hideous scar, tiny as it was.
When master asked about her slightly pouted face that one night, she had confessed her irritation. Master had just laughed, his eyes twinkled with the stars.
"If it makes you feel horrible, you can cover it up. But knows that you were meant to have it—" he paused before continuing, "if anything, you can look at it and remember me."
"We met by chance, but I had become your master. This mark... was never by chance, don't you think it is meant to be something much more than your master?"
Her four year old self viciously shook her tiny head. She remembered purposely pulled her master's hand and wrote out the word "never", wanting to made sure that he get her answer.
Her master continued to laugh and pat her head as if the thought of being inferior to a birthmark didn't even register in his mind, or maybe it does not matter to him.
That was a long time ago— after Xueyu had come to age and began her rampage beyond Boundless Depth Valley, she would look upon the skin near her heart and remember her master.
The master that raised her from a newborn to adulthood.
The master that protected her from the world.
The master that loved her.
It was same master she had betrayed.
"I'm sorry."