Shi Zhen eyed Xueyu, there was a moment of silence before he quietly walked to her side.
Xueyu still had on the simple white dress from yesterday, but Shi Zhen can tell that she had cleaned herself. Her hair was wet, with a touch of herbal scent on her.
'"She can tell you're staring."' Zhou Yun's voice echoed in the back of his head.
Shi Zhen subconsciously fidget. But he didn't take his eyes off her.
Xueyu didn't say anything and continued with her task.
The Nirvana incident left the garden completely neglected. Thankfully, while she was making the Soul Energy Regeneration Pills, her master took care of the plants in the garden so the majority of it had recovered.
There were still some flowers and plants that need more care than the others…
For example, the Red Dusk Flower Xueyu had been tending…
It was never included in the garden so Zhou Yun had thoroughly ignored it to prioritize the rest.
Even though previously, it was a wild plant to the valley, after receiving cares from Zhou Yun and Xueyu for so long it actually began to depend on the master-disciple duo to maintain it glows.
Xueyu wiped the sweat from her brows, her cultivation might be decent but she still needed to work on her body. She sighed at the thought.
Too many stuff to do, too little time!
Xueyu had been digging into the ground for a while now. When she finally feel the roots of Red Dusk Flower, she seamlessly took out a knife from her pouch and began to cut off the dead roots. It is hard to do it when blind but she manages.
After feeling up the flower for a while, for the dead roots, she began to take the muds from the creek —she had gotten earlier—and began applying it to the roots. She molded the muds around the roots before covered it up with the dirt that was there before.
The Red Dusk Flowers were small but plentiful. A few minutes after receiving Xueyu's cares, it began to straighten itself from its bend form and began to glow more fiercely.
Shi Zhen's mouth slight gape. He never knew a plant could be recovered so quickly, so he was in awe.
The glows of red began to spread...
Xueyu waited until she felt a warm touch on her face before moving on to the next plant.
This was how they spend their entire evening.
At some point Shi Zhen finally got the courage to ask if Xueyu needed help.
He received the end of Xueyu's smile before she nodded.
When the moon reveals itself to the night sky, the two children show up in front of the shack. Their clothes covered in dirt…
Xueyu's clothes were actually in a better condition than Shi Zhen... whose clothes hardly have a clean spot.
... Shi Zhen just thought he looked funny and was somewhat glad Xueyu was blind.
They knocked on the door to the shack.
Despite how sloppy it looks, it actually has a lock inside. No one would dare to push their way in if they don't want the entire shack falling upon them…
Zhou Yun restrained a twitched on his lips. He can't believe they spend the entire afternoon taking care of the plants…
The door creaked open for the two children, Zhou Yun unhappy face revealed itself in the process. But Shi Zhen was the only one who actually saw it.
"Imperial Guardian."
"..." Xueyu slight bowed and blinked dubiously, in an attempt to acknowledge her master.
An exasperated sigh passed through Zhou Yun lips as he planted his face into his palm. He says nothing nevertheless.
That night dinner, Shi Zhen noticed the food was quite salty… reflecting a certain Imperial Guardian's mood.
Xueyu took in the food with no problem, but the stoic Shi Zhen couldn't help smiling weirdly.
This master-disciple duo...
That night, Shi Zhen dreamt of the Red Dusk Flowers and Xueyu's smile.