The energies quickly dispersed. A familiar sensation lingered on each of Xueyu's palms.
Xueyu flop back onto the boulder and sigh in relieve.
Establishment of Soul Energy and Qi!
To think the Nirvana Fire didn't appear and she even managed to skip an entire 5-steps stage!
An entire Qi Foundation Stage!
In truth, Qi Foundation Stage is an easy stage. It was simply the steps of absorbing qi, storing qi, spread qi, purify qi and forming qi into a physical shape. These are the steps cultivators use to cultivate qi for every cultivating session. As far as Xueyu knows, cultivating these steps and storing more and more qi and soul energy is the only way to move up in cultivating steps, stage, and realm!
Xueyu's knew she would quickly pass Qi Foundation Stage but she thought it would take at least a day. The steps are simple and she has done it aplenty during her past two lives, but her meridians and veins are stuffed with impurities so she thought it would take up to 3 days like her last lives.
Yet, she clearly exceeds the stage and entered Establishment of Qi and Soul Energy in less than 5 minutes!
Xueyu's mind trailed back to the Cleansing Pill. That must be the cause... She lopsidedly frown.
It was still too shocking! Are her veins and meridians spotless now?!
She really had underestimated her Master Cleansing Pills...
The winds brush up against Xueyu's face, washing over her body.
Xueyu laid still, enjoying the air before dusting herself and head toward the creek. She wants to wash her face first before heading back.