The Sect Entrance exam! part 1

~a month and a half later~

in the forest on top of a giant tree , u can see a sleeping young man , seemingly unhindred of the world around him , but if one looked close , and looked at his aura , u could see a very dense killing intent seeping out of him , that young man is obviosly Robin.

in this short perid of time , he reached Meridians unlocking realm stage 3 , the amount of xp he needed couldnt be satasfied here , the beasts could feel his wild aura and killing intent , althogh he supprased it , small amount of it was still siping out.

he couldnt get any quests since he wasnt in a human area and could only relay on the beasts as the sourse of xp he also at his free time , he parctiesed his swordship , he was at the peak of lvl 2 , just a tad bit further away from lvl 3 , he needed to kill something solely based on his swordman ship , no skills , no sword skills none. or gain enlightenment on the way of the sword.

wich both he couldnt do since there wasent any strong opponents here.

'Rin , show me my status!'


Name- Robin Wood

Age- 17.5

Lvl : 34 - 0/200,000

Caltivation rank- Meridians Unlocking Realm stage 3



1.Foundartion Sword Thecnique - lvl 2 59999/60000

2.Blazing Tiger Thecnique - Max - effect : covers the fist with fire qi , deals 100% more dmg.

3.Devil Movement Thecnique - Max - effect : allows the user body to have more nimbleness and move faster by 100%


1. Join the Sect in the upcoming entrance exam

starts in : 9 hours

reward : based on preformace


Sword Of the Void : rank - high earth rank

2 skill tickets.

'Rin , open the map and show me the way to the town , im kinda lost here'

[kk Robin]

Robin was kinda confused with the changes of the system in the start but after talking with her( he desieded Rin was a girl beacuse of her voice) all this time he got used to the changes.

[opening map]

[head north east and conuntine on in the forest all the way , u should see the town in the end . estamited time - 1 hour.]

'thanks Rin' Robin was realy happy about having Rin , he didnt go crazy just beacuse he had rin to talk 2 , if he didnt and still went on the killing spree he would proboly lose his mind in that time.

~after half an hour of walking~


it was when robin was walking when he heard this roar , when he heard it , he could feel a wave of pain , anger , sadness and guilt in the Roar.

he rushed into the direction where the roar came from at full speed , he took only half a minute to get there.

when he got there he could see a white female wolf with blood all over her , guarding her littel cub.

three phytons attacked her , he found out from there auras that the three pythons were on the peak of dantian building stage , and the Female wolf was in the first stage of Meradian unlocking realm.

Normally she would win but after giving birth , she was in a weakend state and could barly fight them.

When Robin saw these he felt a pain in his heart , beacuse of his previos life memories and feeling , he could feel the pain and saddness of living without knowing one of ur parents or losing one of them.

after that wave of emotion he felt a tear drop from his eye , he didnt care and went straight into action.

he took out Void ( i shorten the sword name now ok? i dont wanna say the full name all the time )

and used DMS to move faster to them , beacuse he was at an higher stage and with the Movemnt spead bonus he killed them with out them even noticesing

[Ding host got....]x3

when he killed them the moved to the wolf with hand movement singeling her to relex ,the wolf seeing that the human didnt have bad intentions relex but didnt drop her guard , she would take him down with her if he tried something.

"relex im not here to hurt u , i felt bad for ur child having to live in this world alone as i live like that and know the pain of living alone."

after the wolf heard him , she was in shock that the human could speak the beast language afterwords she said " thank you for saving me and my child but im beyond saving , i took alot of fatal hits traying to defend her" after saying that she went the the cub and put her into her embrace , hugging her tightley.

Robin saw this couldnt help but want to save the Wolf , when he thoguh about asking the system

'Rin! i need ur help , do u have a way to help the mother? plz'

[im sorry host.. the pills in the store arent suited for beast and could kill them if taken.. beasts and humans have diffrent qi so human pills will only hurt beasts , if host want to have accses to more pills host will need to reach martial warrior for the first update of the system.]

after hearing Rin , Robin couldnt help but feel helpless , he couldnt help the mother and the littel cub and it made him feel realy sad.

after thinking for a while he thought about the idea of the beasts companion faction , he could make the littel cub his companion and let her follow him and keep him companey.

he stood up wanting to go to the mother wolf to talk to her , he saw that she was diying and only alive with her will to see her littel cub open her eyes.

seeing this Robin didnt hesitated and went into action , telling the mother wolf about his plan , she could only feel releved that he daughter will be in safe hands .

almost like the littel cub could feel her mother almost dead , she forcefuly opened her eyes to see her mother for the first and last time , the mother seeing her daughter open her eyes could finnaly rest in peace.

the cub seeing her mother die , tried to wail on her mother death but was to weak to do so , seeing this , Robin dug up a grave and buried the wolf in it , seeing that the stranger helping bury her mother she intantly took him as her father , beacuse he was the only one there , he was the first male person she saw , and he had a pained expresioon on his face.

the littel wolf trying to get his attantion wiled as hard as she could.

hearing the wailing , robin turned his head after he finished buring the wolf to see the littel cub trying to get this attantion , seeing this he could only wryly smile and went and picked him up.

feeling the sense of comfort in him she snuggled her tiny head into his chest as if like he would run away , when suddenly robin heard Rin say

[Ding! New Quest!

2.Make the littel cub ur life long partner

Reward - BloodLine Upgrade card ( Pets only ) ]

'Dang! nice quest rin! okay lets do it . .... hmm rin.. can u help me here?'

[Yea sure robin , cut ur finger and drip a drop of blood onto her , she will get to know what ur doing once u do it ]

'hoo so its this simple , ok!'

afterwords he cut a light cut on his finger and driped a drop of blood onto the littel wolf , when she saw the blood she felt scared remebaring the scene of her mother death a few minuts ago , but seeing the smile on him , made her worries gone , sone after she came to know why he did that and agrreed happily , why wouldnt she ? she could be with him for the rest of there life , of couse she will say yes!

[Ding! Quest complete!

Reward - Bloodline Card ]

remebaring he didnt give her a name , he thoguh for a while with rin and came to a perfect name Alaina which mean attractive , he thoguh it was a good name beacuse of her white silky fur and small build.

[Ding! Female wolf cub name is registerd as Alaina ]

'Rin , show me Alaina status'


Name- Alaina

Bloodline - Snow wolf / Dragon Wolf ( heaven rank bloodline )

Age - 20 minutes

Caltivation rank - peak body rifining

Skills - Snow spear - Makes a spear out of snow - deadly and quick

Dragon aura - has an suprior aura makes beasts slighly higher then the user strengh , makes enemies scared and respacted to user.

Nimble Foot - The user of this Ability will more 50% faster then normal premenetly.

'Ahahah , Rin use Bloodline card on Alaina Now plz' after seeing Alaina Bloodline he could be happier , and if he used the bloodline card on it , He could only have a stupid grin on his face.

but one thing that made him wonder , how did a heaven rank beast get here? well since he couldnt know , he wouldnt get into the details of it.

[Ding! affarmative. using bloodline card on Alaina , time till finish - 8 hours . Alaina body will fall asleep , adviced host to put her on he safe place .]

hearing Rin advice , he decided to put her on his head , and since the procces already begun , she was already asleep.

now after everything was said and done , he opend the map and followed the marked trail on the map.

Until next time guys :3