Sword Training


It was 6 AM when a knocking sound can be heard on Robin door .

Hearing the knocking sound , Robin woke up , looked around and said "who is it?"

from the outher side a delicate and soft voice could be heard " its me , father told me to wake you up theres breakfast in the kitchen if you want ".

hearing her robin got up from the bed and opened the door " ok thanks for waking me up , what's there to eat?" yawning while smiling at her he asked.

hearing him she just nodded her head and went to her room.

Robin rubbed his head , he just couldnt understand her 'well this dosent matter , i got one hour until training starts and i have to eat'

he then went back to his room put on his roab and went to eat.

while eating he could sense the energy in the food was way higher then the meat he had in the forest 'must be a special way of making it to enchant the energy inside'

while he was training in the forest he found out that besides lvling up , he could strengthen his body with energy filled food , although it will be a miniscule amount it was still something.

after eating Robin sensed his master aura and went out of the house to him, he was at the training ground siting on a chair next to a table drinking tea.

Robin went to him and greeted hjm "good morning master" while cuffing his hands with a slight bow.

his master only nodded and said "good, you're awake , for the next 2 hours i will teach you the basics of sword arts and cultivation stages and their effects , i will not repeat what i said now so listen closely ok?"

Robin nodded his head and taken a seat in front of his Master "understood master"

"good then i will start on sword arts , as you know there are 7 stages for it - intial low mid and high completion , we will talk about the other stages when you reach high completion , intial completion is as it says , its when someone just steps into the sword arts realm and just slightly connects their sword to their body , at the low completion stage the user starts to sense sword qi inside his body and his sword and body synchronize to a small degree , at mid completion the body already sensed sword Qi and start to generate small amounts of it on his own and the sword and body synchronize reaches mid levels.

you got it till now?"

robin moves his head allitle "up until now this disciple understands , but i got a question , how can one sense sword Qi in low completion but can only generate it in the body only in the mid completion?"

nodding his head and smiling he shows a small smile " it seems you did listen , well to answer your question one can sense sword Qi in the low completion stage because when you step into the low completion level a small amount of sword qi from the air sips into your body and stays in your diantian while in mid completion your body and sword synchronized to a certain lvl that they start to create it by itself"

Robin looked deep in though and after a few seconds he sighed and looked at his Master " I get it now... please keep going Master"

"mhm" He nodded and took a sip of his tea before he started talking again " the third stage of sword arts is considered a wall for your path , at this stage you form your intent and the type of intent varies for each person.

you will not find the same intent among ten thousand intents... and as for how to form your intent? it's quite simple , you take your will and fuse it with your sword energy but that simple thing stopped countless people from forming their intent"

"hmm.. Master forgive this disciple ignorance but what is a will? " Robin was kinda confused , he read about will in those novels and it seems it's a great importance but he doesn't remember an explanation of it

"Will is something ethernal , it's different for each person. it represents your intents and fears , your emotions and strengths .. the Will is basically your inner self" he stopped and looked at Robin with a scary glim in his eyes which made Robin feel like his body was thrown into an ice bath "understood?"

"Yes master! so basically the high stage is where you condense your will to a certain extent and fuse it with your energy? but that doesn't sound right.. if it was this simple there wouldn't be so many people who wouldn't succesed.." Robin said with a grave face.. it seems that his path wasn't so simple.

"you are correct , although it sounds easy and the logic behind it is easy .. it's far from easy.

the Will isn't something that one can simply find , it requires great talent and even greater comprehensive abilities. now sit down in a meditation way and insert your spiritual sense into your body " while he was speaking Robin did what he said and Waited for further instructions "Now go to your soul , it should be a minuture version of you near your heart , if you find it nod your head" seeing Robin nodding he smiled and kept talking " now go to it gently and not in a frenzy or your body will attack your spiritual sense to try to defend itself. when you reach it you will see a door with a lock on it , try to push your SS ( spiritual sense) into it . and try gently at first and keep increasing the force with his time until you open it , if you don't succeed it's fine even I took 2 wee-" he couldn't finish his sentence before he heard Robin voice " Master I opened it! what now?" he looked down to find Robin looking at him expectingly.

he didn't know what to say , when he first opened his will for the first time he was regarded as a one in a million genius for doing it in 2 weeks and now this boy from a country side place succeeded in a couple of minutes? Shocking!

and the shock was apperent on his face but he shock himself and regained his composure ' this isn't a bad thing.. if I nuture him good I might not be far from my revenge on this old fools back home'

"hmm.. it's good you finished it so quickly but don't get over confident about yourself kid , there are many many talented people around this world and you can only be considered a frog in a well for them you understand?" he said sternly as to for him to not be cocky and arrogant so he will not lose his way

Robin on the other hand realized that his Master was right and he shouldn't get arrogant about his talent as there's bound to be someone with greater talent then him

"this little one understands! although I heard master say from a country side place .. that means master is from a higher ranked kingdom?" Robin looked at his Master in expectation but was quickly disappointed "this is not for now kid , now return to the meditation sitting and quickly insert your SS into your soul again and try to use the Will outside your body"

not even half a minute later he saw Robin aura suddenly appear . this made him shocked even further , what kind of monster has he taken as a disciple?! and his aura.. it seems like it looks down on heaven and Earth , wishing to take everything down and be the only ruler.. ' this kid.. I might really get my revenge! I have to nuture him well with all my abilities maybe even pair him with my daughter.. but she will hate me for it' he shrugged and thought 'lets just let nature take his course , but why do I feel sadness so heavy from his aura.. what kind of thing he went through'

he sighed and smiled weakly as he waited for his little monster to finish

~after an hour~

Robin Will was getting stronger and stronger but it didn't spread out all around like it was uncontrollable.. it seemed condensed to a frightening point.

after another half an hour he suddenly opened his eyes and the Will around his started to disappear leaving not a single trace behind

he took a deep breath and stood up trying to feel the changes in his body when he heard the system

[Congratulations Robin for unlocking the hidden stat - Will

it represents the user whole purpose , the Will can change based on your actions and your state of mind]

[You had also got the skill - Spiritual sense:

release your energy to the area surrounding your up to a range of 200 meters.

also allows user to scan deep into his body

lvl - 2/10(200/1000 xp)]

[The binds of the universe start to weaken on you]

suddenly Robin felt danger.. danger like he never felt before even in front of the most vicious beast back in the mountains he never felt like that

'that last sentence.. seemed so ancient and so... dark seems like i was right.. there's more to this world then I thought.'

putting on a calm face I release a deep breath I didn't notice I was holding and looked at Master who still set where he was

"master this one has finished"

"mhm.. go to your room and try to fuse your energy and your will , you should strive for balance and harmony between the two and not forceful fusion" although he said so with a n indifferent face he was greatly alarmed ' it seems like I still underestimate this brat talent... to condense his will to such a level unknowingly crazy! this is completely out of this world! *sigh* it seems the young will outdo the old .. I'm getting to old for this' he thought as he stood up and disappeared

well that's the end of this chapter ...

ik this is kinda sudden but I didn't have any inspiration to write and suddenly this came to me so you can expect chapters again