Same person?

After getting a thorough checkup she was discharged from the hospital the next day.

Shen Ya told Zhen Xiu that no one has ever visited her since she was in the coma.

In the beginning, her father in law used to come here to look after her but after six months, when there was no improvement in her condition; he stopped coming in the hospital because of her mother in law's disagreement with him.

He wanted to avoid the conflicts in his home.

"Xiu, I think you should come home with me." Shen Ya suggested kindly.

Instantly, Zhen Xiu rejected this idea. If she goes with Shen Ya then how would she complete her task?

"No, I need to go back." She assured her. Zhen Xiu knew that she was worried about her.

Shen Ya was not satisfied with her answer. She could see that Zhen Xiu was still in love with that jerk.

"But they don't like you. " Shen Ya tried convincing her.

" You don't have to worry about me. Rest assured. "

She wasn't going there for love but to make them suffer. She has to attract her new husband and complete her task. How could she go before participating in the battle?

"I will torment them and teach them the proper way to treat their daughter in law. "

"Torment them… but you are in love with Lu Jian. How can you torment him?" She Ya questioned.

"He is the reason you left the family and pretending to be an orphan." Shen Ya instigated her to leave the hell hole. She didn't want to see her friend in pain again.

The original Zhen Xiu was rich and practically a royalty in this world. She belonged to the legendary Zhen family that controls the entire C country behind the scene.

She was a fool to leave her family just because of her infatuation.

This evil princess could not understand the working of that stupid girl's brain.

Why would she chase Lu Jian when she was outstanding and better in every aspect.

The past was in the past, no need to think about it. She just needs to fulfill the wish and then she is all set to do anything.

"I know that's why I want to end this completely." Zhen Xiu assured Shen Ya.

Shen Ya is the only one who was truly aware of her identity and helped her against Every odd she came across.

"You are sure?" Shen Ya asked again.

Zhen Xiu nodded. It's time to start her new life.

Shen Ya dropped Zhen Xiu at Lu Manor and left after telling her that she will visit her tomorrow.

When she entered the house she could remember it clearly from the original's memory. All the servants in the manor were ignoring her.

Zhen Xiu also ignored them.

Zhen Xiu changed into soft pants and a cotton T-shirt after taking a hot bath.

She didn't have any favorable points on her then how will she start her love trap?

First—The original was an unwanted wife, always pestering her husband and doing stupid things to attract his attention.

Second —The second angle in this love triangle was Shen Rui, her love rival that loves to create trouble for the original Zhen Xiu.

Third— there was a witch mother in law who doesn't like her.

She doesn't have any respect in this house. The situation is too difficult.

Why does mother in law not like her?

Simply because she doesn't know her true identity and thinks that she is some kind of a gold digger.

Mother in law wanted a rich beautiful daughter in law for her son and Shen Rui was a perfect fit for Lu Jian according to her.

Ah! the Shen family was rich.

Evil Princess rolled her eyes at this sick love story. She couldn't understand how did the original girl manage to get her dream guy? In all these negative scenarios and poor circumstances she was rather daring.

Her jackpot was grandpa Lu.

She had helped Lu patriarch when he was almost killed by a group of assassins, in return, she asked Lu Jian as her husband.

The patriarch agreed immediately after noticing her devotion to his grandson. She married Lu Jian and entered Lu Manor and because of this backdoor, she was treated harshly by the entire Lu family.

They couldn't understand why a country bumpkin was their head lady all of a sudden.

Mother in law hated her. The old patriarch was also not there to help her.

"Basically I am all alone. Zhen Xiu– One man army."

'How can I seduce the 'Iceberg'?' She wondered.

He doesn't like clingy personality so she should give him indifference and a cranky attitude. She needs to ignore him. It always works in Romance novels.

A perfect white lotus strategy to lure that iceberg.

Besides who cares if she will hurt him by behaving like a white lotus. He was not a saint himself.

She needs to focus on her task on successfully making him as hers

Zhen Xiu was busy planning her next step when she was disturbed by a person.

"Miss Zhen. Can I come in?" a manly voice asked from outside.

'Who was this person?' she wondered. His voice was familiar."Come in"

A handsome man wearing a three-piece black suit holding some papers came inside.

Zhen Xiu from her memory knew that this man was Jiang Wui, the right-hand man of her husband.

He is not only an employee but a close cousin of Lu Jian and is super duper rich.

"Ma'am please sign on these papers." Jiang Wui said without any trace of respect.

He was here on behalf of his boss and nothing else. He didn't care about this woman and neither did he respected her as his head lady of the Lu clan.

"What is this?" She asked him without taking the papers. She can guess what was inside the papers but didn't want to go in that direction.

"These are divorce papers." He responded calmly without any ripple in his voice. The word divorce papers rang in the silent room. Zhen Xiu sucked in harsh breathe, the task ended before it began, she froze but quickly controlled her emotions.

No, this is not possible.

She has to finish her task but how could she do this when she was facing these divorce papers.

Think Xiu!


She wanted an opening for her plan and this could be used as a chance. After all, if her plan worked then she would be able to attract Lu Jian.

"Are you my husband?" Zhen Xiu asked calmly.

She needs to gain momentum. She has to stabilize her position first in front of his subordinate. He will be the key to attract Lu Jian.

'What? Gibberish! Was this woman mad?', Jiang Wui thought.

What was the relationship between divorce papers and being her husband?

He was confused, "What?"

"If you are not, then get out. Who are you to give me these papers? Go and tell Lu Jian that I am not signing these papers."

Zhen Xiu confidently threatened him. This starting was great now she has to impress this man before her to bring that iceberg here.

"Yeah! One more thing, if he want the divorce then tell him to come himself and not throw his underdogs at me. Now get out." Zhen Xiu snarled.

Jiang Wui was speechless. What kind of behavior was this? She used to be so sweet in front of him to build a good connection with his cousin but now what was this 180-degree change about?

The personality of the woman from the past and the woman from the present was as different as sky and earth. Was she really the same Zhen Xiu that was madly in love with his cousin?