
[ You can't do that. Remember he still quite doesn't like you.]

Zhen Xiu's mood got down after she heard that and remembered the scene when the previous self-had tried to seduce Lu Jian.

What a tragic site was that? She had to spend the entire night outside the house as Lu Jian got angry and threw her out.

She shivered thinking of similar consequences. Yes, remember Xiu a white lotus. She is pitiful, not outgoing. It will flop your plan.

Xiu instantly changed her expression as if she did not know what actually Lu Jian meant.

The change in her expression shocked Lu Jian. He was damn sure that it is not possible for his wife to show that many colors on her face.

She usually has an infatuated face and can do anything he asks for but now the present her doesn't have these feelings.

It was clear and wanton lust just now in her eyes and no love and nothing that a girl has when she is in love.

It can't be her but actually what happened that she changed so much?

It is a mystery.

" What do you mean? This is my room and what do you mean by I want an heir?" she asked enraged after remembering his words.

She is not some kind of a tool, alright.

" You are my wife so it is my right. Besides, you should be happy right now" Lu Jian ask her inching closer to her. He has seen the lust but now he can see the clear annoyance in her eyes as well as her face.

Her face was like a ripe tomato that he wanted to touch. The itch in his heart was growing as if he was attacked by a virus that he can't control.

He really wanted to peel off the layer on her face and see the real her.

" Wife? Oh my ! you still remember you have a wife. So what even if I am your wife I will not listen to you. I am not a breeder who is here to breed for you." Zhen Xiu snapped at Lu Jian. He was just like those typical bastard nobilities who just use women as their tools.

Even if he is as handsome as the moon I will not tolerate this.

"Don't be angry anymore wife I will fulfill your every wish after we become a proper husband and wife." Lu Jian whispered in her ear. But it was a wrong move on his part as he inhaled her scent. It was intoxicating.

On the other hand, Xiu was extremely angry that he is not understanding the point. She wanted to break his legs now. Earlier she wanted to eat him but just in a few minutes, she realized that all the pretty food is actually not delicious. It can be bitter as fuck and tasteless to the extreme.

[ Calm down. My previous master would have been happy if he showed her an interest like that to her. Why don't you take up the offer?] zoru asked Xiu without even thinking about the consequences that the other party was already enraged due to the heir line and now he was speaking gibberish.

( Right, clearly tell me what your master wants? Is it love or is it his body? Frankly, I don't get shit in your modern world.) xiu shouted at zoru exasperatedly.

Xiu was tired of being someone else in the past three days. When she was in her own world there was that stupid clan and she has been all alone in her entire 20 years of life and here the girl has everything but she still likes to stick around this asshole for god knows why? She can't understand a bit about it.

What is so good about love that you would leave your family? You would degrade yourself as garbage?

On top that the things you are doing are not even important to the person for whom you are painstakingly taking an effort.

Isn't it foolishness overloaded. Now I have to do this and that. Can't I be free from all these troubles for once and live like my own.

All these words were heard by zoru and he realized how wrong was he for the first time in assessing someone.

Just because she was showing that somewhat naughty side of her and bragging about some evil things he truly thought about her without understanding her soul energy.

Now he realized that she was just a kid from her heart who does not know what love is actually. He has seen her cruel acts from the past from the pagoda when he was using her energy to supplement the other half of her body without Xiu knowing all this but still he didn't give a chance to this master who was supplementing his life force via the channel so he could help the other half of her.

He has been truly wrong this time. Lu Jian who was unknown to all this happening also felt something was amiss in her. He wondered how can she change her emotion neatly?

" Really you will fulfil my all wishes then first start being a good human towards me. Let us have a deal that will profit us both Lu Jian." Xiu told him patiently after calming her thoughts when she heard about zoru's words but this was not the time to ask him so she focused her attention on the second problem at the moment.

Lu Jian was this time surprised to see the change in her. Just now she was gloomy and in a blink of an eye, she wants to have a deal. Interesting! It's been a long time since he played a game. " Deal, what is it that you want to offer to me?" he asked still in her close proximity. He felt the soothing calm from her body. He liked being near her.

" Simple you will try being a good husband to me then I will decide if you can really be a good husband and in return, you get a free kid and divorce from me." Xiu proposed while carefully calculating everything. Since he wants a divorce and heir both then I shall give him in return I can also accomplish my task and then live my life freely.

The words coming out of her mouth stunned Lu Jian. He did not like this feeling suddenly what does she mean by this strange deal.

As if having his child is nothing but a transaction and then you take a divorce so that you don't have to do anything again.

But if this is how I can observe and see her true face why not take a gamble it's not like I really have feelings for her. So it can be done.

" Fine I agree but last night you did not want a divorce so what changed now?" Lu Jian asked utterly confused.

" That was nothing. Does not matter now ." Xiu replied and went to sleep.