Darling Only One Kiss In A Day

After eavesdropping on their conversation Lu Jian directly went to this study. Her words keep on ringing in his mind.

Lu Jian realized that it must be very difficult for Zhen Xiu to give him a chance again. He was indifferent to her and never cared about a thing related to her.

Now Lu Jian understands why Shen Ya hates him this much? He deserves it.

"Lu Jian can we talk?" asked Zhen Xiu.

She directly came here after sending Shen Ya away. It was important to settle this matter now otherwise she will feel bad on behalf of this unhappy consort.

Lu Jian was afraid that she is here to break their relationship after talking with Shen Ya. He was desperate to mend their relationship. He wanted to start again from the beginning.

"I am sorry. Please give me one more chance. I will do whatever you want. Just tell me what to do." Lu Jian pleaded softly. His icy voice trembled as he asked for another chance. This might sound weird that his feelings are getting out of control in just two days but after having the taste of this new emotion he didn't want to lose this.

Zhen Xiu was surprised to hear his plea. She was here to apologize on behalf of Shen Ya but this is a completely different outcome from her imagination.

Lu Jian is pleading for one more chance. Does he think that I am here to break our relationship? It must be.

"Lu Jian calm down. You don't have to do anything." She told him clearly. "Besides I am not leaving you just because of Shen Ya. She was trying to instigate you and that's why she asked me those questions. It has nothing to do with me giving you a chance. You can trust me on this when I say I am giving you a chance."

Zhen Xiu breathed, "I know it might sound weird to you but you need to know that the thing between us is truly a new beginning. Forget about the past; for that, I am not going to leave you but you should learn from your mistakes and not repeat them."

Lu Jian was stunned because he thought this was the end in between them. He never even thought that this was something deliberately planned by Shen Ya. That girl is not good for his relationship. She can influence his wife to leave him. "Are you sure?"

Zhen Xiu smiled at his disbelieving appearance, "Of course Darling, you are the prettiest and how could my heart bear to leave you alone."

Lu Jian was speechless. He was being serious here and this girl keeps on flirting with him.

He hugged her to feel her presence in his life. She was different from her past self. But Lu Jian was sure of one thing that if he will not hold her tight in his grasp then she will slip away. He was scared to even think about this scenario.

"Zhen Xiu never leave me." He pleaded sincerely.

"Umm, that depends on you my beautiful consort."

"Naughty girl, you are watching too many historical dramas these days." Lu Jian asked surprised. It was the third time that she has called him a consort.

Zhen Xiu puffed her cheeks: "What historical dramas? You are my first consort in this world." She unknowingly told him.

Lu Jian stiffened. What does she mean by first consort? Was she planning on making her own harem?

He decided to test his theory: "Why are you planning on taking more people?"

"Didn't I tell you it all depends on you." Zhen Xiu was confused.

Lu Jian's eyes darkened after hearing her confirmation. "Oh! Tell me then how should I perform well to keep you with me? What are your criteria?"

"It all depends on the taste darling." Zhen Xiu blurted.

After hearing her answer his left ear reddened and he wondered what exactly happened when she was in the coma? How can she change drastically and even behave like a rogue? Where was that sweet and shy girl?

"You are such a rogue." He voiced out his thoughts.

Zhen Xiu widened her eyes on this remark: "Rogue? Nah! It's all about preferences baby and didn't I say that this is a new beginning so I will be the king and you will be the consort. Don't be shy I can handle anything."

After saying all this she pecked his cheeks.

"Wow, darling your icy face can also be colored. You are just like Shen Ya; easily melting under my little ministration." Zhen Xiu teased.

Lu Jian was speechless to see this new side of his wife. He never expected that his wife has become more interesting after waking up from her coma. It is surely going to be interesting from now on.

"You really want to do it this much." Lu Jian asked her, his eyes darkened after she nodded like a silly bunny.

He gripped her waist tightly and pulled her on his lap. He tried kissing her, tried.

Zhen Xiu stopped him from kissing her by placing her palm in between their lips. Lu Jian was dispirited after this. He so wanted to taste her lips.

"Why?" he asked sullenly.

"What why? It is my turn to enjoy. You are in your probationary period of redemption. This is my turn to enjoy and your turn to suffer so how could you do this?" Zhen Xiu asked him with her face full smile. Her eyes were laughing at his poor attempt.

She pecked him on his forehead and encircled his neck with her thin arms.

"Although you are too hot to handle I can still resist the temptation. After all, I can enjoy my fruit but you are not allowed to do anything else." Zhen Xiu declared.

Lu Jian was too happy to oblige albeit he was a bit unhappy after he was denied his kisses but he will still enjoy when she will kiss him herself.

Zhen Xiu saw through his motives and chuckled at his stupid thinking: "Darling only one kiss in a day and not on lips."

His face fell after hearing this but he was a businessman after all so how could he take less profit.

"So if you are the boss during the day then does that mean I am the king at night?" he said and trapped her hands behind her back to give her a deep kiss.