Inside the bedroom the atmosphere was solemn. Both the girls were silent even though Jiang Wui left a while ago. Shen Ya wanted to speak but couldn't bring words in her mouth and Zhen Xiu wanted to start but was not able to; both the girls were awkwardly gazing at each other.
"I am sorry if I crossed the line." Zhen Xiu apologized.
Shen Ya remained quiet and didn't say anything in response. Rather she doesn't have words to say anything to Zhen Xiu.
"I know I should not have done something like this but I felt he was right for you." Zhen Xiu tried explaining although she knew that her explanation was absurd in terms of reality after all she was not that familiar with these people for a long time. She only knew about them and how they were towards the original Zhen Xiu?
This was an idiotic thing on her part to do something absurd when she didn't understand their emotions. Maybe Jiang Wui was truly in love with her and really wanted to make their relationship work but what about Shen Ya; she didn't even think about it for a second.
"Yeah, just like Lu Jian is good for you." Shen Ya taunted. She knew that her friend only wanted to help Jiang Wui because he asked her. she has seen their secret eye contact with each other when Jiang Wui was begging her to help him.
She was not sad that Zhen Xiu wanted her to be with Jiang Wui but was angry at that bastard who was using her friend to reach her. She knew that her friend was gullible; always helping people and never thinking from her mind. Sometimes she feels that whatever happened to Zhen Xiu was her own fault because she chose the wrong person for her life.
This was her fault for not loving herself enough to leave him and her fault that she didn't listen to her. Now, that Jiang Wui was using her again. These Lu, Shen, and Jiang families are a big thorn in
Shen Ya's heart. They always try to do something that she never wants.
Zhen Xiu was ashamed. She knew what Shen Ya was indicating. She was doing the same mistake as the original Zhen Xiu. She was forcing Shen Ya in accepting him just because Jiang Wui wanted her.
This was not fair to Shen Ya.
"I am sorry." Zhen Xiu apologized again. "I will never try to do something like this ever again."
Zhen Xiu was not only apologizing for this mistake but for all those past mistakes the previous body owner did to Shen Ya in her stupidity. The friend who has always treated her with more importance than her own family, Shen Ya was someone like this. For her Zhen Xiu was the moon. Their bond was not normal. The real Zhen Xiu was stupid that she could never see this side of Shen Ya.
"Yes! You should not. You are still so naïve even after all this. You wanted to give Lu Jian a chance I didn't say anything because I know how much you love him but then why are you even listening to that playboy? He is no good for you. Why do you always go with bad companies? Am I not enough for you?"
Shen Ya asked angrily. She wanted to put some sense in this stupid girl that everything that shines is not always gold. Just because she has a pure heart doesn't mean that everyone has a good heart.
This stupid girl needs to understand this lesson for her own good.
"You are more than enough Ya'er. I don't love Lu Jian at least not like before." Zhen Xiu revealed some hints for Shen Ya so that she would not feel that bad because of her. Zhen Xiu wondered if this girl ever knew that her friend, her dearest person is no more in this world; how she will react.
She can see that Shen Ya was so good to the original that she has treated her more important than her own family and even sister. She trusted her not Shen Rui. This was clear enough that the importance of Zhen Xiu in her heart was something unshakeable.
The evil princess feels bad for this person who has a heart of gold. How can someone give this much importance to a stranger who was not even blood related and never was true to them?
The heart was really strange organ. No, humans are really strange.
"Then why are you giving him a chance again to ruin you?" Shen Ya asked angrily. She was tired of hearing her say this every time but still doing something opposite.
"Why were you helping Jiang Wui if you don't want to impress Lu Jian?"
Zhen Xiu knew why Shen Ya was this troubled now. So, this was because she thought that she was using her to gain some points in front of Jiang Wui who in turn will help her in getting Lu Jian.
Heavens! These people are too strange. Well, Shen Ya was not exactly wrong in her thinking because if this were previous Zhen Xiu then she would definitely use this chance to impress Lu Jian.
"It's not like that. Please, trust me. I was truly helping him because I feel that you too like him not because I want to get Lu Jian through that joker. Oh! Please, I don't need anyone to get men for me. I am more than capable." Zhen Xiu arrogantly talked.
Shen Ya was giving her a look of disbelief.
"I mean I am not that easily swayed by looks." Zhen Xiu crossed her fingers mentally for spouting lies like drinking water. "I never will be attracted to Lu Jian just because he is pretty and will never try to eat him unless I have my brain screwed."
"I am genuinely giving him a chance and Jiang Wui loves you so I thought why not patch you up with me?"
"Really," Shen Ya frowned. "You sure that he loves me and you are not interested in Lu Jian like before."
"Absolutely," Zhen Xiu immediately agreed. "Would I lie to you?"
Shen Ya the loyal friend was again fooled by this evil princess. She shook her head.
"See; let's leave me and Lu Jian for a moment. I will deal with him on my own. We need to talk about that joker. Although I didn't say anything like Jiang Wui told you still you can give him a chance. Not everyone is like your bastard father." Zhen Xiu tested the still water by using the name of Shen Ya's father.
Shen Ya froze after she heard 'father'. All the disturbing memories came again in flashes after remembering the ugly night.
"I know you hate all males because of him but think about Jiang Wui; he is not that bad. He knows how to respect girls. His playboy nature can be a decoy to hide his true feelings, yeah." Zhen Xiu suggested.