
The evil princess was grateful that this bratty stupid miss was actually this considerate towards her an outsider in her life. She didn't mind criticizing her and appreciating her gesture all together at the same time.

After all, she was not a saint but a mortal.

Now, she will deal with this bastard of the father. The evil princess was elated in her heart. Although she didn't mind her untimely death in this world; there was always a feeling inside her heart that wanted to kill this man.

The attacker, her father was astonished to see his attack failed. He never thought that he would miss this lucky chance to kill her.

"You sure are lucky!"

The evil princess smirked in return. "Why? You can't be ashamed of your failed attack, father?"

She knew why this scum was praising her luck. He could not accept his loss and wanted to praise her luck to hide his failure.

He was always like this from the beginning.

The attacker was her bastard father that has always exploited her marital powers for his own use. She knew that his pride was hurt after failing his attempt to kill her.

"Who is your father?" The attacker sneered in disgust.

She was not his daughter. He was here just to kill her.

Zhen Xiu, the evil princess thought that he didn't want to accept their father-daughter relation and was denying the fact that they were related because of that prophecy that she would kill him.

She could never understand why the head of the Yun family believed in this superstition. After all, it could just be a faux remark by that Daoist and nothing real. Why would he believe in all this?

She was curious to know. There were not any feelings left in her for this father of hers after going through the pains and troubles in the past eighteen years.

She just wanted to know the reason for his hatred. Exactly, what was her fault?

"Why?" She asked him.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

There was no pain in her voice but a calm stillness that just wanted to know why she was treated like trash during her entire life.

The attacker froze for a bit but soon changed his expression as if he was in great pain. He didn't want to remember the past events again and face the pain of being cheated on.

But now that this girl that he hated so much in his life was asking him, he could not stop himself in re-telling her about his past hatred. He knew he was a bad guy and should not have treated her like this. She was not at fault as whatever happened to him was because of his stupidity.

He admits that she was not at fault and should not have suffered like this but his inner hatred for her family caused him to be like this and whenever he saw her eyes, he remembered the betrayal.

"I am not your father." He told her.

The secret which was hidden in his heart for so many years was finally revealed. He confessed that she was not his daughter.

"You are not even related to me." He told her the truth.

Yun Xiao felt like telling her about his deepest secret despite hating her for a lifetime. She was a poor girl that has to face the revenge instead of her family. He almost pitied her whenever he used to torture her.

He exhaled a breath of relief. "You are not a person of this world."

Yun Xiao sighed. He was tired after giving her this much trouble and wanted to kill her so that she would be able to get out of this world. After all, he knew that she could return back to her world.

He wanted to send her away. Far away from him.

He was unaware that she has already crossed time and space and was here just to even out her grudges against him.

So, he wanted to give her a final good thing before truly dying in this world because of his inner darkness. It was not because of the prophecy that he was about to die but because his life has already reached his peak. He could no longer go on and face this terrible world.

This entire time Zhen Xiu was silently listening to him. She didn't feel any pain after knowing that she was not his daughter because everything was clear now when he told her that she was not from this world.

His way of torturing her and why he wanted to kill her became all too clear now.

He wanted to give her freedom from this world so that she could go in that world. Does that mean that she and that stupid woman was one and the same?

It was not that surprising now.

She could understand some of the actions that he did in the past to her. Her father, Yun Xiao was just creating trouble for her to soothe the pain in his heart. It was clearly a revenge

His eyes were proof of it. Before he was proud and always disgusted by her mere presence but now that he was sitting down and forlorn about his past; she couldn't see that haughty man in him.

He looks sad just like a broken doll. Too sad! She has never seen this side of him.

He was always someone powerful and confident that never showed his weak side to anybody in the clan. He always stood behind everybody like a strong tree but now his appearance looked like a fallen leaf that had no energy to fly anymore.

What was the reason behind all this? Why would he do something that he clearly regrets doing?

She wanted to know everything about him and the things he was hiding.

"Why were you so mean to me, father?" She asked him

"Who are you?" Zhen Xiu wanted to know about his identity.

It does not matter if he was an evil man that ruthlessly killed her in the past. Right now, he was a man that needed somebody to rely on and express his grieving heart.

Yun Xiao who was silently sitting on the floor looked up to her. He could not believe his ears. She was calling him father even after all this

After all the things, he did to her, she was still willing to call him father.

He sighed. He regretted his decisions. Unfortunately, there was no medicine in the world called regret.

As you sow, so shall you reap.