Loverboy! Your princess is awake.

Mother Zhen in her happiness didn't realize that her daughter was calling her father a brat and continued to snuggle. She wanted to remember this moment forever in her life.

"Yue'er how are you? It's been too long. Forgive your mother for being away for so long." Mother Zhen apologized.

She knew that it was not entirely her fault that she was away from her daughter but in her heart, she has always known that she had wronged her daughter.

Mother Zhen could only apologize for her actions in the past years.

On the other hand, Zhen Xiu didn't care about all these superfluous things that her mother was apologizing for as she clearly was aware of her problems.

"You don't need to apologize mother. I don't blame you for anything." Zhen Xiu wanted to lift up the mood in the room.

It was bad enough that she has treated her father as a kid these days but now her mother was also blaming herself for neglecting her.

It was too much for her. After all, in this entire ordeal, the biggest victim was her mother Zhen Ying Yue.

"But Yue'er it was all because of mother."

Zhen Ying Yue wanted to explain herself but Zhen Xiu stopped her from speaking anything else that will burden her.

"I know you blame yourself but it was not your fault. You need to get over it. I will make everything better."

Zhen Xiu promised her mother. She would deal with her haughty grandfather Zhen Hong Tian for treating her precious mother like a second-hand dress. It was his fault for not recognizing his true daughter.

She would teach that old bastard that what happens when someone messes up with her loved ones.

"Yue'er your father is alive."

Mother Zhen told her daughter about Feng Tian's conclusion and how he can revive Feng Zhi back. She informed Zhen Xiu about every detail she has missed during these three days while she was in the coma.

Zhen Xiu patiently heard everything and even supported Feng Tian's idea as she was already aware of Zoru's condition because of their mind link.

The thing that surprised her most was the presence of Lu Jian in the ancestral hall and his abnormal behavior that her mother explained to her.

"Why is he here?" Zhen Xiu frowned.

It was not within her expectations rather it was a shocking surprise.

Mother Zhen noticed her daughter's expression carefully and asked her.

"Do you want me to send him back?"

Mother Zhen was cautious in her interrogation as she didn't want to create any unnecessary misunderstanding between them.

If her daughter was not interested in him then she would support her as she also was not sure about Lu Jian.

He was not an ideal husband according to Zhen Ying Yue.

Zhen Xiu shook her head as she was in deep thoughts, her mind was not clear as she needed some time to understand her feelings towards him.

It was not like that she was totally not interested in him.

He was a fine specimen that has very nice features.

A complete package!

"It's not that. I want to sleep, mother. Let's share our bed tonight. I want to be close to you." Zhen Xiu asked her mother cutely completely distracting Mother Zhen from her earlier inquiries.

Zhen Ying Yue noticed that her daughter didn't want to talk about Lu Jian and her married life so she didn't force her.

Mother Zhen eagerly accepted her suggestion as both the pair of mother and daughter made their way on the bed.

Mother Zhen was glad that her daughter chose her instead of going to any other room. She was way too happy to accommodate her.


Shen Ya who was aware of Zhen Xiu's new situation was excited as well and wanted to share her elation with somebody.

So, she decided to share this news with him.

Lu Jian was sitting on his bed and was in deep thoughts. He couldn't sleep well and calmly waiting for Zhen Xiu to awake from the coma.

He couldn't help himself as his mind wandered around. He knew that his wife does not love him anymore. It was clear from her interactions.

She was attracted to him but it was not enough for her to stay with him.

"What shall I do?" Lu Jian murmured.

Would she accept him?

It was his main worry. He was ready to take any punishment for his behavior and neglect in the past but he could not tolerate it if she decided to leave him after waking up from the coma.

He knew his wish was absurd but after getting a glimpse of that sweet feeling called love; he was unable to turn back now.

He didn't know what affected him this much, her smile or the sadness in her beautiful eyes, the blunt attitude of an enchantress. He could not find one single thing that was now against his feelings. He knew that his new wife didn't love him like the previous one and that's why he was not able to put his worries aside.

He has to amend his previous mistakes so that his new wife would accept him again.

Shen Ya barged inside his room at this time when he was still thinking about Zhen Xiu so he didn't notice her arrival. On the other hand, Shen Ya was stupefied to see him lost in his thinking.

Shen Ya was still biased against him but it doesn't mean that she was heartless and would stump him again and again. If he was willing to change himself for the better then she had no problem against him staying with her best friend.

"Lu Jian!" She called him but he was still in his thoughts on how to convince Zhen Xiu to continue to stay with him. Only, in this way, he would succeed in getting her back.

Shen Ya frowned at his no response. She shouted a bit loud this time, "Lu Jian! Are you listening?"

Somehow Lu Jian was able to hear her this time as he turned his head towards the door to see her.


Shen Ya rolled her eyes at his confused expression. "Loverboy! Your princess is awake."

What? She was awake.

His frown turned into a magnetic beautiful smile as he heard this pleasant news. Although he was worried that his wife would leave him after coming back to life, he still was happy that now she was fine.

"When? Tell me everything," he asked her coldly but his eyes could not hide his excitement after hearing this news.

Shen Ya rolled her eyes at his acting.

"Keep on acting! You can not fool me, Lu Jian. I can see your excitement clearly." Shen Ya mocked him and for the first time in her life smiled at Lu Jian.