The Nightmare

"Ah! No… I don't want to…"

"… I…"

Loud crying sounds of a boy rang in her ears as his pitiful voice pleaded for help.

Zhen Xiu could not see his face in the darkness but she could definitely feel his pain. After all, it was all too similar. 

Some time ago she too had felt these kinds of emotions and troubles in her life. This was familiar.

Too much familiar!

The cry of help.

The hope in that lonely voice.

She had felt it all. This was not new to her. It was a part of her dark past which she had almost forgotten because of the present happiness.

Life has to go on but in that process, we should not forget about our past, the foundation which laid our current future, in all the delight and joy, Zhen Xiu forgot everything bad and hurtful events of her past.

But the call of that boy awakened her soul once again and brought back all those painful memories that she was trying to forget.