Dou Si

A month later…

Windwood's name has greatly increased in the past month. New members joining each and every day. Their sect leader, Shi Huang greatly increasing in power.

The core disciples of the sect are extremely powerful. Rumors have spread that there is a pair of two teens that outrank everyone in the sect. The two teens have extremely powerful skills and have reached Martial Sky rank.

Many other two stars and two in a half star sects have noticed. They also want to see these two teens, just to see how powerful they really are. Of course, these two teens are Zuhn Sheng and Liu Liuha.

Back at the sect, Zuhn and Liu are looked upon by most of the inner and outer members of the sect. However, the core disciples know something happened on that day.

The day when Zuhn locked Liu inside of a barrier for several hours. This barrier wasn't a common barrier, their master couldn't even get into it. Shi Huang tried to get information out of the two of them but couldn't.

Ever since that day, they both have changed. Zuhn and Liu have become closer to each other, and stronger. Zuhn has reached the middle stages of Martial Sky Realm.

While Liu Lihua has reached the end of the early stages of Martial Sky Realm. She regained more and more memories of her previous life every day. She also cultivated with Zuhn quite often.

Zuhn learned how to cultivate pretty well from the Ancient Magic Book. Though, he still needed resources to perform the cultivation. He was getting to the point where Windwood didn't have the resources for him to cultivate any longer.

One day while Zuhn and Liu were both cultivating they heard a knock at their door. Liu got up from her spot and opened the door. On the other side of the door was a man in black clothes.

Liu instinctively pulled out a small knife getting ready to fight the man in front of him. Liu felt a strange coolness flow through her body. She then heard Zuhn's voice telling her to calm down and let the man in.

The man didn't react to Liu pulling out her weapon. Though when she moved away from the door he walked straight in. The man sat on the ground before looking towards Zuhn.

Zuhn was quite interested in the man in front of him. From Zuhn's guess, the man was around Silver 8. Silver 8 was quite strong for normal people. Zuhn hadn't seen this man before, meaning this guy was not from Windwood.

Zuhn's interested reached a peak because he wondered how the man got to the inner parts of Windwood without being caught. Zuhn smiled as he thought about how the man got so far without being caught.

The man bent his head down, "Please… Take me as your disciple."

The man's words shocked Zuhn and also Liu that was still sitting on the side of the two.

"Y-You just can't become mast… I mean Zuhn's disciple!"

The man looked a little bit worried. Zuhn looked towards Liu, she quickly became quiet.

"What makes you think you are strong enough to become my disciple?"

The man smiled as Zuhn asked him this question. Suddenly, a strong power was coming from the man in front of them. Zuhn quickly cast a small shield around Liu and himself.

The man didn't notice him doing this, but the man wasn't planning on hurting them.

"Watch this."

Zuhn looked over the man again, his power and cultivation reached at least middle stages of Gold. This left Liu at awe, while Zuhn stayed calm.

The man stood up and started to cast several spells, making his body glow bright orange. There was a small stone statue next to the man. The stone statue was huge, comparing to the man's size.

The man took one look at the statue, in a split second the statue was cut clean in half. The man smiled before sitting down. The broken statue slid to the ground, before getting smashed to pieces.

The man looked back at the two. When he saw Liu's reaction he was quite happy. But, then he looked at Zuhn's expression. Zuhn was emotionless, he had gray eyes. The man couldn't read what Zuhn was thinking.

_Quite Interesting_

Zuhn was quite intrigued with the man in front of him. Though, he wasn't just going to let the man become his disciple without any work. Zuhn took a deep breath, before looking at the man dead in his eyes.

"You can become my disciple."

The man's face lit up, he almost got up and hugged Zuhn.



The man's excitement ran out when he heard Zuhn say 'But'.

"But, you have to complete a couple of tasks for me. Only because I need to make sure you are loyal and able to complete tasks. It would be pointless for me to just accept you because you are strong. No point in having someone strong that isn't smart."

Zuhn was laughing a little bit after he saw the man's expression.

The man nodded his head, "Thank you! Ah! Yes, My name is Dou Si."

"Well, Dou Si. Your first task is quite simple."

Dou Si nodded his head.

"I need you to tell me how you got into this sect without being noticed."

Dou Si was felt quite good, he was able to come to the center of Windwood without anyone noticing. He began to explain how he got into the sect.

It was quite complex, Dou Si first hid with a group of outer disciples that were just joining the sect. The officials at the gate didn't really care much for the people entering. If they were able to get this far than they are supposed to be there.

Dou Si made sure that he pushed his aura down to someone that would be ranked as an outer disciple. He then made his way around the sect until he found the inner sect walls.

He made his aura into Silver 8 and made his way inside the walls. To this point how he made was quite easy. Though, once he saw the people roaming around the inner area he became quite scared.

There weren't a lot of people, meaning that everyone knew each other. At first, Dou Si was quite worried that he was going to be caught and killed by the guards or other disciples.

Luckily, he found that there was a competition going on for the inner disciples to upgrade to core disciples. Dou Si stayed around for a week watching the guards patrol.

He also learned all of the patterns the guards made and the movements of the other disciples. Once the competition was over, two inner disciples were going to become core disciples.

At this time, most of the guards would be busy dealing with the new core disciples. Meaning it was a perfect time for Dou Si to make his way over the wall and into the Core disciples area.

This was quite dangerous because everyone that was a core disciple had high cultivation. Meaning they could sense him, though he learned ways to hide his power very well.

Once he was inside the core disciple area he had to look around and figure out where Zuhn was staying. That took another week, once he found it he waited one more night.

The next morning he rushed around and go into the building. Liu was at awe when she heard all of this. Zuhn was also quite surprised, he was impressed but also scared.

Not because of Dou Si, but because it was that easy to make it into the sect. If it was that easy to make it inside, then the sect wasn't a safe place.

Zuhn nodded his head, "Good to know, You finished your first task. Now, since you are quite good at information gathering. I would like you to go find information about the guards and disciples of this sect."

Zuhn took out a couple of gold coins and handed them to Dou Si.

"Take those gold coins and live off them. Once you get around two months of information on the important figures of this sect, I will allow you to become my disciple."

Dou Si took the gold coins and vanished from the room.