Chapter 10

Third person P.O.V.

As Britney fell to her death with Matt, Britney call out to Matt saying, "Matt can you slow yourself down in any way? I have a plan but I need you to stay calm and trust me, Okay?" "Okay, got it. I'm slowing down now." Matt reports shouting at the top of his lungs so she could hear him over the fast wind speeds. Britney did a daring move and leaned backwards bringing her closer to the building. She starts to run down the building making her overtake Matt; who was still slowing himself down. She continues to run down the building and jumps off of the side of the building when she was only about 25 meters (82.021 feet... AND YES I USED GOOGLE TO FIND THAT OUT!!!) off the concrete floor. She spreads her arms and legs out, as if she was a star fish or Patrick from Sponge Bob Square Pants. She falls onto the ground and falls unconscious.

Britney's P.O.V.

I jump off from the side of the building and spread my arms and legs out like a star fish. I fall face first onto the concrete floor... and everything goes black.

Black out


End of black out

I stand up quickly and bring my hands up in a position like I was lifting weights, but I still had one question on my mind, "MATT! HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH?" "ABOUT 190 POUNDS. WHY?" "thank you that's all I need." I say not even audible to myself. I step my right foot back to proper myself for the impact. I squeeze my eyes shut; so tight that I was starting to lose blood circulation, in my eyes.

Matt's P.O.V.

"MATT HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH?" I barely hear Britney shout. "ABOUT 190 POINDS. WHY?" I shout back out to her. She lowered her head and closed her eyes, I saw her lips move but I didn't hear anything. I saw Britney move under me, and only then I realized what she was doing, but I didn't have anymore time to spare, so I had to go with it and trust her.

'I hope she knows what she's doing...'