
In a common high school in the US, Eldrid entered as a freshmen, hoping to start off the first year of high school well. He was dressed in black shorts and an orange T-shirt, as he entered he bumped into a student of the same height, with an adolescent face with red hair, and blue eyes.

"Sorry." Eldrid said.

"No biggie." Replied the stranger.

The bell rang and both proceeded to go to the school orientation.

Eldrid zoned out. It's a school orientation, it's boring as hell.

After the orientation, all students shambled to their first period classes.

***First period class***

After arriving the students noticed a seating chart and proceeded to find their seats.

As Eldrid took his seat, he noticed that the kid he had bumped into was right next to him.

"Hi, I'm Eldrid, what's your name?" Eldrid said full of freshmen enthusiasm.


"Hey mind if we compare schedules?"

Adrian proceeds to hand Eldrid his schedule sheet. After seeing the sheet, his face is full of surprise.

"You have the exact same schedule as me!"

Adrian stares at him in surprise.

---3 months later---

***Fencing club meeting***

Two figures were embroiled in an intense fight in the middle of a crowd of people; each person decked out in well worn fencing gear.

The two in the center were going back-and-forth. Eldrid was parrying each strike from the fighter on the right. Suddenly, Eldrid made a lunge, striking the figure on the right.

"Point! 1-2."

The two figures began to fight again. Eldrid was forced into defending himself from an onslaught of jabs and lunges. He parried each strike at the last second. The fighter on the right suddenly stopped, causing Eldrid to expose an opening. The fighter on the right lunged into the opening.

"Point! Adrian wins!"

"HAHA! Eldrid you need to work on your offense."

"Adrian, I've told you I'd rather be learning how to use a broadsword or bastard sword. I'm more apt at slashing than stabbing."

"Any excuse am I right?"

"Yeah yeah. Keep telling yourself that Adrian."

"Sucks that Devan couldn't make it. You're still making excuses."

"I wish Devan was here too, I wonder what kept him from coming. Anyways I would kick your ass with a normal sword."

The two continued to argue while taking off their gear, both unable to continue as their gear had been soaked through with sweat.

---2 years later---

Three figures were gathered around a graphed white board.

The sound of dice rolling on a hardwood table was heard as they moved their paper figures. Two of the figures were laid on their sides, representing the fact they were dead. The man behind the game master's cover moved the giant figure of a tarrasque. The other two figures were on each side of the tarrasque.

"Roll a dexterity check" -DM

"19" -Eldrid

"17" -Adrian

"You both managed to dodge the tarrasque's attack. What will you do now?" -DM

"I attack, the same as before." -Eldrid

"You have 2 more turns for Unstoppable Blade, and you want to use 2 lightning type Elemental Sword to raise your accuracy, 3 ice type Elemental Sword to lower it's Armor Class, 2 fire type Elemental Sword for extra 2 damage, since you're using your 7 sword style correct?" -DM

"Yes." -Eldrid

"Roll to see if you hit." -DM

"18, 19, 19, 10, 15, 16, 7, plus proficiency."

"Since you've severely slowed it down, and damaged its hide, all of them hit, hmm... just roll one dice for damage this time to make it faster." -DM

"20." -Eldrid

"You have successfully killed the tarrasque. We'll continue next week, I still have homework to do. See ya next week guys" -DM

Adrian and Eldrid said goodbye to their friend as they left.

***Local park***

"I told you the blade-master was strong! The attacks are even enough to take down a tarrasque!"

"Dude, if I had luckier rolls than you tonight, I would have done all the damage."

"Maybe. Usually you have better rolls than me. It's like I stole your luck tonight."

"You wish."

At this comment Eldrid sighed, as Adrian usually had amazing luck. Adrian had the hottest girl in school crush on him, though he doesn't even know. Also, even if he didn't know the answer to a test question, he'd usually guess right.

"You're right. I wish I had your luck. You always have things so easy. It's like you struck the jackpot of the lottery of life."

As Adrian and Eldrid were talking, a dog started running towards them. Its mouth foamed as it barred its teeth. As the dog was about to bite Eldrid, Adrian threw himself in front of the dog. He managed to punch the dog and stop it from biting Eldrid.

However, the dog managed to scratch his face. It left a glaring gash from the middle of Adrian's forehead down to the middle of his cheek, blinding him in his right eye.


As Adrian fell, Eldrid froze. His mind raced as the adrenaline started pumping. Eldrid lunged at Adrian, catching him. The dog charged towards him. His mind in overdrive, Eldrid managed to kick it square in the jaw. Then he sprinted towards his house.

Eldrid burst through the door, running toward the living room. He laid Adrian on the couch. Then he ran into the bathroom to grab a towel. Upon returning to the living room, he took the towel and pressed it against Adrian's wound.

While he did this, he screamed "Hey Google. Call 911!!!". He spent several minutes listening to the beating drum of his own heart as it thundered in his ears. Then he heard the wailing sounds of sirens resounding throughout the neighborhood.

When the paramedics arrived, they found two teenagers. One in shock. The other had a gash stretching from the middle of his forehead all the way down to the middle of his cheek. The paramedics tried to treat each of them for their respective ailments before arriving at the emergency room.

While all this was going on, the last 2 years flashed before Eldrid's eyes. The first day of school. Their first day of fencing club. The first time they played D&D with a group of acquaintances. When they got jobs to buy blacksmithing equipment Their first attempt at forging a sword. Reading books on Webnovel together. Arguing over whether one true love is better or harems. He recalled countless memories of both good and bad.

As he woke up from his state of shock, he realized he was in a hospital room, next to his friend Adrian. His friend was still in bad shape, but his wound had been cleaned up. Upon realizing his friend was safe, he began looking around.

They were in a plain hospital room, with a window overlooking the local lake. The room was pretty modern. The sounds of machines beeping and droning calmed him. A few minutes later, a nurse entered. Upon noticing Eldrid looking around, she exclaimed, "Oh, you're finally out of that daze. Let me get the doctor for you."

A few minutes later, the nurse walked in followed by a female doctor, both of which looked around 30. They were both tall for women but shorter than Eldrid and Adrian. The doctor had tan skin and a figure that would put models to shame. The nurse had less lustrous curves, but her chest made Mt. Everest look like a hill.

'Good grief. Even his luck extends to getting a hot doctor and nurse' Eldrid thought.

"What happened for both of you to end up like this?" the doctor inquired.

Eldrid explained, while trying to keep his focus on her face. "We were walking home when a rabid dog attacked us out of nowhere. The dog tried to bite me, but Adrian saved me. I carried him to his home and tried to stop the bleeding. Then I called 911 and waited for the ambulance to arrive."

"Quite an adventure you had. I hate to have to tell you this, but your friend will never be able to use his right eye again. We could try to take it out and replace it with a glass eye, but the damage done is so severe, the process could be life threatening."

---1 year later---

"Hmm... I need someone to take care of my unfinished business when I ascend.'

The Immortal lord Malthael, Lord of Golkindarr, grew tired of mortal affairs and sought out an heir to take care of all his unfinished business from all of his realms. He saw a promising choice on the lowest mortal plane, on the least advanced of his territories, The Laniakea Universe, in the smallest galaxy, the milky way, on the least advanced planet, Earth.

His name was Adrian Ardvel. He was 6'0" tall, slightly tan with an athletic build, his eyes a shade of deep blue, his hair a light red, and his face like a Greek sculpture. He would have qualified to be a supermodel if he didn't have one glaring flaw, a scar running down over his right eye, leaving him with only one good eye. An ancient and powerful bloodline could be sensed from him, though none of the mortals could feel it, else they would run in terror.

While Malthael was summoning him, his friend, Eldrid Sverd noticed him across the street and ran over to greet him. Eldrid wasn't too handsome. He was the same height as Adrian, had a stocky build, his face was more rounded than Adrian's as he was slightly overweight. He had a friendly aura around him, making him be the first person to be friend zoned by all the girls in school.

His eyes and hair were golden brown, his skin was slightly tan, his face had traces of his Cherokee ancestry, but not too noticeable. Right as Eldrid reached Adrian, the portal opened to Golkindarr.

In the great hall of Malthael, both Eldrid and Adrian appeared. Both of them were shocked by not being where they were a second ago, Eldrid thought they were on some prank show for a second but discarded the thought as it was way too elaborate.

Both Eldrid and Adrian suddenly thought, this is extremely similar to those stories I read online.

As the duo began looking around to figure what was going on, the grandeur of the great hall stunned them. Gemstones of all colors inlaid in the ceiling, creating images impressive feats and stories.

The walls were made of some azure gold material, the pillars wrought from an unknown azure purple material, the floor hewn of a purple gold stone like material.

The hall transcended human understanding as there appeared to be entire universes in the tapestries. As the two were trying to take in all the sights of the hall an indescribable sound brought them out of their trance.

They looked behind them to see a throne of colors. The colors were presumably composed of their own distinct elements, the sea of colors was blinding to the two of them. The figure on the throne rose, as he did, the swords all began to revolve around his right palm, and shrink while doing so, until they disappeared.

His figure was incorporeal, only a silhouette of a man was before them. "It appears I have gotten rusty in my space manipulation, as only one of you was supposed to arrive." He turned to Adrian. "You boy, what is your name?"

"Adrian, sir."

"Adrian, you will be my heir, I will give you power if you take care of my unfinished business when I ascend, I am almost out of time to do so, hence I am unable to take care of my own affairs. Do you accept?"

"What of my family sir?"

"They will be fine, however you will have to bring them here on your own power."

This caused Adrian to pause and think for a while before responding.

"May I know the name of my benefactor?"

"I am Malthael, lord of the Or-Furor cosmo."

Malthael then turns to Eldrid "You boy, what is your name?"

"Eldrid Sverd, sir!"

"Eldrid? Fiery-spirited sword in... Norse was it? A good name! Now tell me, as I have accidentally summoned you, do you desire to go back to your world?"


"Oh? why not?"

"I have nothing there, other than my parents, considering how powerful you are, you probably wiped our existences off of the face of the earth. Seeing as I can experience the adventures in a world like the stories of old, I would much rather do that!"

"So you chose the life of hardship and adventure over peace and comfort?"

"Yes, there are too many things to do and not enough time in a mortals life, seeing as that can be changed, why not experience all there is to offer?"

"You are amusing mortal, seeing as it is my mistake I shall grant you a wish."

"My request is that my parents live out the rest of their lives peacefully and happily!"

"Your filial piety impresses me, you thought of them before yourself, this shall be granted without using your request."

"May I first know the paths to power, and the world I will live in?"

"Smart boy, fair enough. This world is the Center of this cosmo, this is not a normal planet, it has the purest mana in the cosmo, due to it being the very center of the cosmos. We are at the core of the world, far underground. You will be sent to a remote location on the surface.

There are many species of your 'fantasy' stories that exist commonly in this realm.

Every person in the realm has a chance to summon a spirit from the spirit realm on their 18th birthday. These spirits range from weapons to beasts to water itself. You temper your spirit and body to advance in cultivation.

There are four main types of spirits: Weapons, Beasts, mage spirits, and body spirits.

Weapon spirits: They peruse the perfection in their martial art to gain power, however they are usually unable to fight at long range, save a few exceptions.

Beasts: You summon a spirit which does your bidding, the variety of the ability of these spirits varies greatly.

Mage spirits: Spirits that allow you to manipulate the element they have power over, they have long range capabilities, but are usually severely lacking in body strength and close range defense.

Body spirits: Spirits who enhance a specific part of the body or all of the body during combat.

There is a fifth type which is uncommon, but not unheard of.

Hybrid: A mix of any 2 or more spirit types above.

However all draw upon mana to cultivate their spirits.

The spirit you awaken depends upon your bodily aptitude, soul aptitude, mana aptitude, and bloodline.

Have no fear about your aptitudes, I shall reform your body and soul with perfect aptitude in all paths, however I cannot give you a powerful bloodline. Since you will have perfect aptitude for all paths, you will comprehend something heaven defying, so fear not. So boy, what do you wish for?"

At this, Eldrid paused and thought about for a while.

"I wish for a system to help me gain power, resources, assist with my other miscellaneous needs."

"Hmm. An interesting request, there just so happens to be an artifact in my possession that fills the requirements mentioned, it was originally meant for Adrian, however I can find one again if need be.

I will rebuild your body and soul, your mortal self will have great troubles trying to withstand the sheer level of pain that comes with this process. Adrian prepare yourself as well, yours will last longer and be less painful however, as I sense your friends day of awakening is drawing near." As Malthael said this, both of them passed out.