Allora's P.O.V
I took a deep breath and reach out my hand to open the door. But before I could open the door, the door opened by itself.
"Allora, you are back!" Siwon oppa said as he pulled me into the unit.
As soon as I got inside, I saw the other oppa's busy putting balloons and a banner. Among the other things, the banner caught my eyes as it says "WELCOME BACK!" in a very nice and neat cursive handwriting.
Wait. Who is coming back?
"You must be really confused, let me explain." Siwon oppa said.
I nodded my head as I was even more confused when I see Donghae and Kyuhyun helping Ryeowook in the kitchen preparing the ingredients.
"Yesung hyung is coming back from the army tomorrow and we are preparing a welcome back party for him. We need you to go to the supermarket with Donghae oppa to buy some snacks and drinks tomorrow morning."
Yesung is coming back? I get to meet him?!
"Tomorrow morning, Leeteuk hyung,Heechul hyung,Shindong hyung and Eunhyuk hyung will go to pick him up whereas the remaining of us will remain here to finish the cooking and decorations.
I nodded my head as I try to process what Siwon oppa had just said.
"Are you okay Allora?"
"Huh? Yeah I am. Umm okay. What is there for me to help out right now?"
"Hmm okay. Thank you Allora. Help the guys in the kitchen. I guess?"
I nodded my head and quickly go into the kitchen. I quickly wore the apron and start folding up my sleeves to prevent it from getting dirty. After folding it up, I started cutting the ingredients. Me and Kyuhyun oppa cuts the ingredients in silence while Ryewook oppa is busy arranging the things in the fridge until Kyuhyun broke the silence.
"Allora what is that on your wrist?"
Unsure on what he is talking about ,I looked at where he was staring. He was staring at both of wrist. The wrists with all my scars...
Shit..I forgot about my scars... How can I let my guard down so easily?
"Um it's nothing. I'm going to see whether the others need my help." I said a little bit too quickly while unfolding my sleeves and removes the apron.
I quickly walked to the living room pretending nothing happened.
I'm sorry Kyuhyun oppa, but there are some things that should be left that way. It's better you know nothing than knowing about my screwed up life.
Kyuhyun's P.O.V
Yesung hyung is finally coming back after 2 years! To celebrate his return we decided to have a welcome party for him and also a secret surprise party for Allora to welcome her into the family.
Honestly, the surprise party for Allora was decided last minute. Leeteuk hyung was the one who suggested it and everyone agreed to his idea.
"Guys, Yesung is coming back from the army tomorrow. Why don't we prepare a welcome back party for him? And at the same time, why don't we have a secret party for Allora to welcome her into the family? Leeteuk hyung suddenly said.
All of us agreed to his idea. Since it has been two years since we last saw Yesung hyung and as for Allora, she is totally in a new environment living with people she is not familiar with. By having a surprise party for her, she can feel welcome and comfortable in living with us.
"How are we supposed to make it look like the party is just only for Yesung hyung" Donghae suddenly asked.
"We can ask her to go to the supermarket with you, Donghae to buy some snacks and drinks tomorrow morning while me,Heechul and Eunhyuk will go to pick Yesung up whereas the remaining of you guys will remain here to finish the cooking and decorations. And Donghae, I will text you when we have reached so that we can surprise Yesung first and then after that, I will text you to bring her back. Okay? " Leeteuk said.
We all nodded our head in agreement.
And now here we are. Preparing for the party. I decided to help Ryeowook hyung in the kitchen while all the other hyung's decorates the place.
"Allora, you are back!" Siwon hyung suddenly said as he pulled her into the unit.
The moment she walked in, her face expression is kind of cute. She has the clueless face like what did I just walk in to kind of face.
I quietly continued preparing the ingredients that Ryeowook hyung has asked me to cut. As i was preparing the ingredients, i can hear Siwon hyung explaining the whole surprise party for Yesung hyung to Allora. I bet she didn't expect that we will prepare a surprise party for her too.
"So what is there for me to help out right now?" i heard Allora said.
"Thank you Allora. Help the guys in the kitchen. I guess?" i said Siwon hyung in an unsure voice.
Few minutes later, Allora entered into the kitchen. She took the apron from the rack and wore it. She rolled up her sleeves, and helped me to cut the ingredients. Both of us cut it in silence while Ryeowook hyung is busy arranging the things in the fridge until I broke the silence.
"Allora what is that on your wrists?" I asked as i was staring at both of her wrist with lots of scars.
She had a confused face like she was unsure on what i am talking about. She looked a where i was staring. The moment she realised that I was staring at her wrists with all the scars, her facial expression changed dramatically.
"Um it's nothing. I'm going to see whether the others need my help." she said a little bit too quickly while unfolding her sleeves and removes the apron.
She quickly walked to the living room pretending nothing has happened.
What exactly happened to her? Why did she come here to stay with us when she has a family back home? Does her family even know that she is in Korea?