walking dead 7

the last thing to mention is the point one can gain from the zombies, or in another way, the gamer way, farming

cause if you analyse deeper into this mission there is no time limit, you can basically stay in here until you die, the only downside to it is the limited food and water supply and that you can not go out of the city

usually people tend to want to complete the mission as soon as possible, and not thinking deeper at the task ahead, the purpose of gods dimension is to push human into evolving, and not kill them, so its main task is to help the players, but of course it cannot make it too easy, otherwise why would they be trialed anyway

so if you think more about the current mission, i can only think that its main focus is to initiate players into this world and help few to farm points and get a head start of the others, so what i should do for now is to start training myself, and kill as much zombies as i can to gather points and think of the upgrades i should get

as i have nothing to do for now, and if i go out i am most likely going to be overwhelmed by zombies and die sooner or later i decided to make a workout routine that focus on maximum balance possible while giving priority to stamina and speed

and once i am sure about my self, i will scout in the morning and train in the afternoon, most people in the fiction waste their points on upgrading their stats in the beginning when it is easier to train them at first, stats get harder to increase in the later stages, its then that you use points to increase them

but who could blame them, they just got thrown into a world where it is hard to survive and are not given the opportunity or enough info to do what i am going to do, it is an opportunity of gold for me who is lacking physically, don't get me wrong with my natural build and previous training in mma i was stronger that an average guy but it is just not enough compered to professionals and military

if i play my cards right i could double my stats before going out of this mission, and i could get a lot of points out of it, this place is a gold mine, the zombies are fast and sturdy, anyone would find it hard to fight one alone and if a good number of them gang up on you, then consider yourself dead

but who said i need to fight them head on, i am gonna be fighting dirty, but first thing to do is get in shape, so i got to it right away