Yoan awoke to the sun shining down on his face and he frowned at the brightness, his eyes blinking open. He immediately groaned, bringing his arm up to shield his eyes, only to realise a heavy weight on his arm. He glanced beside him in alarm, noticing it was actually Hilia resting on his arm. Sighing in relief, he observed a sleeping Hilia, taking in the serene look on her face, enjoying the way she breathed evenly and the feeling of her in his arms.
Smiling to himself, his hand stroke gently at her hair and she remained soundly asleep. Glancing around the area, he realised they were lying on a huge bed, right beside a window, which was opened. He heard the chattering from outside and the birds chirping cheerily, the sunlight providing him enough light to scan around. They were in an unknown house, but it seemed cozy and well-kept, the furnitures around the house were also well taken care of.
How did we get here?
The memories slowly filled his mind and he recalled seeing Hilia using another spell before he fainted. He gasped, pressing his hand against his chest and arm, realising he was perfectly fine, his hand slid past his skin, noting how there wasn't any scars either.
It isn't possible, a gash deep like that should leave a scar, unless--
"Mhmm…mmm." Hilia groaned beside him, her eyebrows furrowed in pain. He looked at her, alarmed. She seemed to be suffering and he glanced around hurriedly, seeing the bowl of water with a towel draped over it on the table beside them. He stretched his arm over, soaking the towel as he tried to wring it dry with one hand.
Wiping the sweat off her face, he noticed she was suffering from a fever. He proceeded to place the towel on her forehead, removing his arm and gently placing her on the pillow, sitting up as he covered his mouth with his hand. He watched her, shame and guilt overwhelming him, understanding how Hilia ended up in such a terrible state. Her pale face made his heart twinge, and he clicked his tongue, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
Hilia...she pushed herself too hard, and adding on to that, she even healed me. She used whatever she had, to save my life.
"Damn it, Hilia…"
Yoan clasped his hand over hers, squeezing his eyes close as he pressed her hand on his forehead.
I shouldn't have been so confident, and reckless. I shouldn't have underestimated an enigma.
Hilia's eyes fluttered open when she felt a gentle warmth beside her, especially on her hand. She turned to face Yoan, who seemed to be drowning in his own anger and misery, and she knew he was probably blaming himself for letting her end up in this state.
"Are you blaming yourself now? You this idiotic swordsman." Hilia whispered out and Yoan opened his eyes, reacting instantly.
"Hilia? Hilia. Are you okay? Are you alright?"
Hilia chuckled, squeezing his hand lightly. "I am, Yoan, don't worry. I just need some rest, that's all. I am glad to see you well, you crazy jerk."
"Hilia, I'm so sorry, Hilia."
"It's okay."
"I know, it's alright."
She coaxed him softly and Yoan felt his hand trembling a little.
Stepping out of the house, dressed in brand new clothes that were lying conveniently on the table that were beside his sword and his newly purchased bow, he closed the door softly behind him. Hilia wanted to rest more and Yoan didn't want to disturb her, leaving the house to explore more of the village, taking his backpack and Hilia's backpack along with him.
It seems like our journey to the main town will be delayed.
Yoan thought, the frustration welling up in him again.
It's all because I was too arrogant.
Sighing to himself, Yoan trudged on and he watched as the villagers scurried around, working together to repair any damages caused by the attack. Amidst the repairs, some stall owners were still desperate to make any sales, hollering at the top of their voices.
A man carrying a few wooden planks walked past Yoan, when he suddenly stopped in his steps. "Oh? Looks like you are finally awake, young lad!"
Yoan glanced to the man, taking note of how muscular he was, which explains why he was able to carry the wooden planks easily. "Finally awake?"
"That's right! The two of you have been asleep for two days! The mayor's wife told us to let the two of you rest in their daughter's house temporarily."
Two days? That's long.
Yoan scratched at his head, feeling rather guilty. "Sorry, we must be causing the mayor's family some inconvenience."
"Inconvenience? That's preposterous! The two of you saved the entire village! You are more than welcome to stay here as long as you want."
Yoan smiled at the man, "thank you, may I know where the mayor's family is resided at? I would like to thank them personally."
"Just head down this path, turn right and you'll be able to see a huge house. That's their house."
"Thank you."
"You are more than welcome."