
Feng Yun let down of Yu Yan's hand to take one of the bracelets.

All of a sudden, the dragon bracelet glowed red and quickly crawled onto Feng Yun's hand, towards his wrist wrapping itself around like a snake.

In less than a minute, the dragon bracelet stopped glowing and settled itself nicely on his wrist like a normal bracelet.

Feng Yun took the box and placed it next to Yu Yan's hand. Just like Feng Yuns, the Phoenix bracelet started to glow red, crawled like a snake, and wrapped around her wrist until the red glow slowly dissipated.

When the bracelets are placed properly, Feng Yun took Yu Yan's white teddy bear and placed it next to her but Yu Yan wrinkled her brows.

Feng Yun lay beside her and placed Yu Yan's head on his arm. He then pulled her towards him letting her sleep on his chest.

Looking down at her, Feng Yun saw her scar. There was a pain and sadness in his heart.

He can only kiss this scar that will always remind him of a nightmare.

The next morning, Yu Yan slowly opened her eyes, and she looked up to the person next to her. The first thing Yu Yan saw was a gorgeous face.

Observing him quietly, Yu Yan scanned his face while Feng Yun's eyes are closed. His skin was as smooth as a jade, there were no visible pores that can be seen.

She sometimes wondered how could God create such a perfect person? But what she felt most proud of was that he is her older brother.

If he were to enter the entertainment industry, people will surely go crazy and other known artists will turn to be just a back-drop.

She wondered how he was able to manage living a peaceful life while studying?

How many girls cried because of my brother?

However, she never heard of him ever having a girlfriend.

While thinking about these kind of thoughts, Yu Yan heard a magnetic voice but it sounded a bit hoarse.

"Awake?" asking this question, Feng Yun didn't open his eyes.

When he didn't hear an answer he asked: "Is my face too dazzling for you to be in daze early in the morning?"

When Yu Yan heard his words she came back to earth, her face turned black. She bowed down and felt embarrassed at getting caught. Her cheeks felt hot, turning as red as an apple.

Feng Yun slowly opened his eyes, looking down at her. Studying Yu Yan's face, Yu Yan pouted her lips.

Fine! You are beautiful.

Watching her cute reaction he chuckled and said: "You just need to look in the mirror and you'll see my face."

When she heard that, Yu Yan looked back at him blinking a couple of times while staring straight at Feng Yun's clear black eyes.

How can I look like him?

I don't see any resemblance between us at all!


How can he say those words?

Was he sick?

Possessed maybe?!

She widened her eyes but Feng Yun seem to know what Yu Yan was thinking. He smiled and said "Don't think too much."

Without waiting for Yu Yan's response, Feng Yun gave her a morning kiss on her head and embraced her tightly. "Hungry? "

Yu Yan nodded but Feng Yun did not let her go just yet. It took a minute before Feng Yun kissed Yu Yan again on her head and loosened his arms around her. "Go wash, I'll ask the maids to prepare some breakfast."

"Can you cook for me?" Yu Yan looked at him eagerly waiting for an answer.

"hmm.." Feng Yun nodded, so they finally got up.

However, when Yu Yan sat up, she noticed the black jade bracelet on her left wrist.

She looked at Feng Yun and found out that he also has the same black jade bracelet, it's just that they have different designs.