
He took his chopsticks and clipped some vegetables placing on Yu Yan's bowl.

"Have you checked your things? You will be leaving with your older brothers to go back in Silver City after two hours." Yu Min said while studying her expression.

She just smiled at Yu Min and nodded. Happily eating one meat after another, without realizing what her brother meant.

However, Yu Min knew that she was not listening so he tried to be more specific.

He placed his chopsticks down and talked to Yu Yan softly in a soothing voice. "Baby, I won't be going with you this time, so make sure not to cause any trouble."

Aside from the siblings, everyone else who was present was shocked by what they heard from Yu Min.

Seeing their second master smile for the first time and hearing the first young master calling the young miss 'baby' sweetly. They all looked at Yu Min in disbelief.

Did we hear it correctly?

What did the first young master call the young miss?

They thought that hearing Feng Yin calling Yu Yan 'baby' sounds cute but when they heard it coming from Yu Min, they just can't believe it.

It was not that it sounded bad, it was just that with their Masters personality, they never thought that the words 'sweet and gentle' were included in his vocabulary.

No! This must be dream! They try to convince their heart.

As for Yu Yan, she was about to put another meat into her mouth but stopped when she heard those words. She then looked at Yu Min with an unhappy face.

"Why won't you go??" Yu Yan put her chopsticks down and suddenly pushed her chair back to face him.

Before Yu Min can respond, Yu Yan stood up without warning and pounced at Yu Min on his seat.

Feng Yun did not do anything, while Yu Min was not surprised at all. They knew that Yu Yan will react this way.

After Yu Yan pounced at Yu Min, she wrapped her arms around Yu Mins neck so tight that he almost can't breathe.

She was whimpering on his neck. "No... I don't want to! You will be alone.. I want you to go with us.... I wont leave you!" Yu Yan was already sobbing while saying those words.

Hearing her cry in disagreement, Feng Yun wrinkled his brows. He looked at her but before he can speak, Yu Min raised his hand to stop him.

Yu Min grabbed her waist making her sit on his lap; holding her tight to prevent her from falling. He patted her back to comfort her.

"I will visit you when I'm not busy."

Yu Min said then he held her head taking it away from his neck. He held her little face and wiped Yu Yan's tears.

" I don't like it that way.. You're always busy... I want you to be always with me.."

Yu Yan kept on shaking her head while looking at her brother's face that was only five inches away from her.

"You're no longer a child that can stay with me all the time." Yu Min said but Yu Yan just shook her head violently.

Yu Min sighed in his heart, he expected this result and that it will be hard to convince her.

"You still have us." Feng Yin said, but Yu Yan did not respond, so he continued, "We can come here to visit first brother on weekends."

When Yu Yan heard Feng Yin's offer, she turned her head to look at him with her cute crying face.

However, Feng Yin was taken aback, seeing her acting this way, there was panic in his heart.

"Really?" Yu Yan asked

Feng Yin wanted to nod but she was staring at him earnestly with her watery eyes. This made lying very uncomfortable. He forced a smile and said: "Really."

Yu Yan looked at Yu Min for confirmation but he did not react.

Seeing that her first brother did not react, she looked back at Feng Yin and shouted: "No! You're lying!"