I want to go home

No one dared to speak, but Yu Yi's calm voice came into their ears ignoring the unpleasant ambiance in the room...

"Yu Yan, your seat is next to me.."

When Yu Yan looked at her, Yu Yi smiled at Yu Yan so she nodded and smiled back.

Unfortunately, Feng Yun still did not let Yu Yan go, until they heard their father calling his name in a threatening voice..


It took a moment before Feng Yun finally let go of her shoulders and followed their father's order.

Hence, Yu Yan silently walk towards her seat that was located beside Yu Yi. Then everyone started to eat.

Silence engulfed the room where no one dared to speak. Feeling uncomfortable, Yu Yan tried to eat in silence although there's a nagging feeling of being unwelcome.

After a while, Xiao Ming Rou stood up and left without a word. Yu Yan thought that there will be a change in the atmosphere but it remained the same.

Yu Yan opened her mouth and was about to speak, but she was intercepted by Yu Rin.

"Don't talk. You should know the rules." then he stood up and left.

Yu Yan can only close her mouth and bow her head while feeling everyone's gaze on her but she didn't raise her head, and just continued to eat.

'How can Yu Rin suddenly turn cold?

He was kind earlier but now....' Yu Yan sighed inwardly.

One by one, everyone left without saying a word; leaving her and Feng Yun alone.

When Feng Yun looked at her, Yu Yan had already stopped eating but there was a solitary tear falling down her pink cheeks.

Feng Yun stood up and sat next to her and wiped Yu Yan's tears. "If you're done, let's go."

However, Yu Yan did not move nor did she raise her head but spoke in a hoarse voice.

"I want to go back to D Country."


His unbearable voice rang through Yu Yan's ears shattering her heart into a million pieces.

Another tear trickled down her pink cheeks but she wiped her tear and stood up slowly.

Watching her tears flow from her eyes, he felt uncomfortable in his heart. He silently felt sorry and it showed on Feng Yun's eyes.

However, no words came out from Feng Yun's mouth. He wanted to take her to the garden to soothed her feelings but Yu Yan declined, so he can only let her go.

In Yu Yan's bedroom, MouJin was still doing everything that Yu Yan ordered her to do. She stopped her actions when Yu Yan came in with a lifeless face.

She followed Yu Yan who went straight to her bedroom and watched her lay down on the bed like she have lost hope.

Getting a full view of Yu Yan's face, MouJin quickly stepped forward and slowly sat beside Yu Yan who had a sorrowful look on her face....

"Does my young miss feel uncomfortable?"

Without a word, Yu Yan suddenly pounced at MouJin, hugged her tightly and began to cry... "I want to go home...."

She patted Yu Yan's back to comfort her and tried to convince her... "You are home.."

Yu Yan shook her head: "No, this is not my home..."

MouJin sighed and before she can say anything, Yu Yan already spoke.

"I want to go back to D Country....to my big brother...."

Pulling Yu Yan's shoulders to look at her, MouJin smiled while wiping her tears: "This is so not you..."

However, Yu Yan did not respond. MouJin held her cute crying face and smiled mischievously... "Want to do something fun?"

In an instant, Yu Yan's tears stopped from flowing. She looked at MouJin and started to smile with a nod..

"Can we? Are you familiar with this place?..."

MouJin smiled then pulled out a thick folded paper from her pocket and handed it to Yu Yan.