Like a living dead

At the time the Li Fu Jin heard her mumbling about getting married, he already understood that it was the cause why Yu Yan did not attend their classes.

However, having her as his homeroom evaluation pair sounds troublesome for him since he always work alone.

For the reason that Yu Yan did not attend their classes on her third day because of a force marriage already gave him a headache.

Therefore, he decided to make a reason for Yu Yan to decline her force marriage by giving her exposed kiss marks without guilt and hesitation. But he didn't admit to himself that he was enjoying the time that they were passionately kissing.

Although he did not expect to have a desire to take her, he was thinking that he is just a normal man being tempted with a mouthwatering fruit in front of him.

Unfortunately, when he sees Yu Yan's crying face, he doesn't understand the feeling that made him give her a gentle kiss on her lips and explain that he is not planning to sleep with her to remove her fear.

Out of the blue, with his strong self-control, there was an urge on wanting to kiss her soft lips over and over that made him confused where the feeling came from.

Li Fu Jin's satisfaction on leaving the kiss marks on Yu Yan's skin made him satisfied in his heart, like he wanted to consider that she will be his perfect creation.

However, he also expects that she might try to hide it due to embarrassment that might fail his purpose for Yu Yan's family to think she's no longer innocent.

Therefore, he says that he considers to sleep with her as help but not intentionally willing to take her innocence.

After saying his offer, Li Fu Jin stood up, leaving Yu Yan laying alone on the bed and still speechless, he turns around and disappear in thin air.

The fear and shock in Yu Yan's heart didn't subsides even after Li Fu Jin left. She remains on the same position trying to understand what happen and what Li Fu Jin means on his words.

After a couple of minutes, there was a doorbell on her apartment. With her mind that seems to be flying, she gets out of the bed without fixing herself.

Yu Yan walked out of the room like a living dead, when she reached the door, she open it without hesitation.

"Hey... Let's have some lu....."

Li Yan Feng's words are interrupted, his eyes shrink, the beautiful smile on his face turned into dread while looking at Yu Yan's appearance.

Her hair is messy, her face is pale with the trace of tears, her eyes looks lifeless, her lips are swollen, and her messy long sleeves is unbuttoned down exposing the top of her chest.

However, what Li Yan Feng's eyes clearly saw and made him feel like dying was her neck that is full of small kiss marks down to her exposed top chest.

Li Yan Feng's face turned white to red, red to green in anger. Blame started to emerge on his heart like he wanted to go in rage amd destroy the world.

'I shouldn't have left her!

Who did this to her?!

Was she touched?!

I will kill whoever it is!!'

His heart burst with outrage while watching her innocent face turn like a dead person, both of Li Yan Feng's hands immediately closed Yu Yan's open shirt to cover her exposed chest.

Using both of his trembling hands, he holds Yu Yan's face but her eyes did not move or look at him, like a puppet, there was no movement from her at all.

"Yu... Yu Yan..." Li Yan Feng's voice is trembling..

There was no reaction from her, he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly, but Yu Yan is still not moving.


I won't be able to update this Chapter at 2am due to work assignments, so I'm releasing it in advance. :)