
His scent is addictive, he seemed like he just had a shower, making his wet hair with a bit of dripping water down to his shoulders that makes him look hot.

Li Fu Jin holds the lower back of her head while slowly whispering on her ears with his hot breath touching her skin and a sexy magnetic voice.

"You should warm my bed, or else...you only have two options....marry me...or I kill you..".

Yu Yan: "..."

After hearing what Li Fu Jin says, her heart started to beat fast with a jumping rabbit. Yu Yan can feel his dangerous words that makes her feel more frightened.

She tried to struggle but when Yu Yan is about to shout for help, there was a sudden pain on her lips that made her swallow her words.

Yu Yan: "..."


Let me go!

A soft hot lips touches hers and in a swift move, she was pushed down laying on a couch while Li Fu Jin press his body into hers and kissing her badly.

Without a warning, the door suddenly opened and a middle age man entered along with another person seeing the scene between them.

Middle aged man: "..."

Li Fu Jin stopped his actions after hearing someone entered, he raised his head to look at the person who came in but there was a flash on his eyes that no one knows what it means.

Li Fu Jin: "..."

It was his father, Li Jiang Han. He is a wealthy business man who owns the Moon corporation and the owner of moon hotel.

Yu Yan, who is almost out of breath is petrified, she never imagined that someone will see them in this awkward situation.

Yu Yan: "..."

This is embarrassing!

Nevertheless, she is still thankful for his presence. She would never know if what could have happened if no one entered the room.

Therefore, Yu Yan is about to turn her head with a brushing face to look at the person.

Yu Yan: "..."

She was already pulled up by Li Fu Jin into his arms and burying her little face on his chest and making her not able to see if who they were.

What is he doing?!

Li Jiang Han who was surprised slightly cough, he looked at Yu Yan's back who is around his sons arms, hiding her face from him, before he looked at Li Fu Jin.

"I didn't expect such a scene.." Li Jiang Han said while he embarrassingly looked at the person beside him.

When Li Fu Jin's eyes falls into the other man beside his father, he can see his expressionless face but looks young and very handsome, he looked back at his father.

"Didn't I say that I'll follow?" Li Fu Jin said with a cold voice.

"There might be some changes." ,Li Jiang Han said with a complicated voice.

Before Li Fu Jin speaks, the man beside his father suddenly spoke, "You should know the consequences of your actions."

Yu Yan: "..."

Yu Yan who is still on Li Fu Jin's arms had her body become stiffened when she heard the man's voice.


She began to tremble after realizing who was the other person. With a frightened face, she slowly turns her head to look at the man.

Yu Yan: "!!!"

Her eyes met his, with a shaking voice, "Big..big brother."

Li Fu Jin: "..."

Li Fu Jin didn't expect her words, his head suddenly looked down to her with a unknown meaning on his eyes, but he did not release Yu Yan from his arms.

Yu Yan lowers her head down with embarrassment, she never imagined to fall into this kind of situation in front of her brother.

I'm dead!

Big brother will skin me alive!

There was a complete silence in the room for a couple of minutes until Li Jiang Han stare at Li Fu Jin with disappointment in his eyes.

"I thought your brother is here with you, but I didn't expect that you're with his fiancee."

Li Fu Jin: "...."

Yu Yan: "..."

'My fiancee is Li Fu Jin's brother?!'


Our rating is down to 4.5....

I feel bad about the most recent review... :(

I didn't expect that it will be misunderstood.

Should I change the synopsis???