Li Fu Jin's brother

He was sure that she shouldn't be sick anymore after he stabilized her veins when she was in the bathtub.

Wondering why Yu Yan is still sick, Li Fu Jin remembers the time he tried to use Mǒ qù to remove Yu Yan's certain memory but it didn't work.

"What are you?" ,he mumbled while looking at her adorable face.

Li Fu Jin lifted Yu Yan and carried her towards the bedroom. While he carefully lay her on the bed, Yu Yan's arms encircled on his waist and making him fall in the bed beside her.

Li Fu Jin: "..."

Yu Yan subconsciously buried her face on his chest like a cat who's missing it's mother, while she tightened her grip around him.

Li Fu Jin: "..."

He looked down on her pale face but her cheeks are blushing red because of her fever that made her still looks adorable.

Knowing that sending his internal strength doesn't do much for Yu Yan, he still placed his palm on her forehead to subside the fever.