Who are you?

Yu Yi was shocked! She did not expect his swift move and made her forced back on the wall while her neck was grabbed by Li Fu Jin's hands.

With a tight grip on her neck, she clearly saw his ferocious scarlet eyes looking straight at her that made her body tremble in fear.

"Where's Xiao Xi Ran" he coldly asked while looking at Yu Yi intensely.

However, Yu Yi cannot speak because of his relentless grip on her neck, she can only looked at him with terror while watching his murderous gaze.

Watching her face turning pale, Li Fu Jin releases her and fall on her feet with continues coughing for being almost out of breath.

He turns around and walk towards the balcony, but he heard her voice again that made him paused his steps.

With a trembling voice Yu Yi asked. "Why are you looking for my brother?"

There were no intentions to look back, but Li Fu Jin remember that Xiao family has deep connection with his father.