
When Yu Yan tries to remember what happened, she holds her right chest where the sword pierced through her flesh but she did not feel any pain.

With her wide eyes, she quickly sits up to check where the wound was but when she saw that it was gone, she remembers the time when her hand was cut but the wound immediately healed.

All of a sudden, a sound of the door that was opened was followed by a man's unfamiliar but enchanting voice. "You're finally awake"

Yu Yan: "..."

Yu Yan immediately turns her head to look who spoke. She found a young man with a captivating smile standing next to the door.

He seems around 20 years old wearing a purple robes that made his face look more magnificent, he has a blonde hair, blue eyes, high nose and red lips.

Is the world full of beautiful people?

With amazement on her eyes, Yu Yan suddenly remembered that when she is about to lose her consciousness, there was a sound of swords clashing like there was a fight.