No need to understand

Before releasing her, Li Fu Jin gave her a passionate kiss then he stood up and went out of the bedroom to prepare their lunch.

As for Yu Yan, she immediately sits up with fear, and she wondered why she didn't even feel when Li Fu Jin removed her school coat and unbuttoned the inner uniform.

Yu Yan: "..."

How did he do it?!

However, what made Yu Yan confused was she did not have the same shock expression that he kisses her skin unlike the first time Li Fu Jin gave her those marks on her apartment.

Speaking of marks, Yu Yan was stupefied when she saw her upper top chest that is full of kiss marks while she fixes her clothes.

Yu Yan: "..."

That monster!

Her face started to turn black, but she's thankful that there was nothing on the exposed area. However, she can still feel the hotness of his lips on her skin made her pink cheeks turning red like a rose.