Things she didn't know

-----Parental guidance might be needed------

However, Li FuJin ignored her while holding her waist and started to explore her skin, feeling the heat on her back.

Not long after, he started to kiss the back of her ears while his hot breath touching her skin.

With heavy breathing, Li FuJin whispered on her ears with a bit hoarse voice. "I don't want to wait anymore"

Yu Yan doesn't know why, but she feels so nervous after his words, while it's the first time she can feel that there's something unusual below Li Fu Jin's abdomen.

Her voice is shaking when she asked. "Wait... Wait for what?... What do you mean..?"

"Didn't I tell you that we will make a child?" Li FuJin said with a sexy magnetic voice while he continued to nibble on her neck.

Yu Yan: "..."

Her heart started throbbing with fear, she gritted her teeth while ignoring the unknown sensation from his warm touch that made her uncomfortable when she allegedly said. "No! I don't want to!"