Confusing Discovery

Considering that Yu Yan doesn't wear her upper underclothes whenever she wears her pyjamas, it made Li FuJin always tempted whenever they sleep together. 

Moreover, he always feels her soft chest beneath her thin clothes without underwear when she's close to him, but he never tried to take advantage of holding it. 

After exposing her top chest, Li FuJin swiftly swayed the left part of her clothes, revealing half of her white firm bosom that is usually hidden behind her clothes. 

Ignoring the temptation seeing her seductive body, Li FuJin's eyes fell on the faded birthmark on Yu Yan's left chest. It was a crescent moon with a star in the middle that Li FuJin can never forget where he had seen it. 

Yu Yan's birthmark is not what Li FuJin ever expected, there was a sudden flash on his eyes that no one will know what it means. 

With the surprised discovery, Li FuJin's heart almost stopped beating, but it didn't take too long when it started to pump fast like a ticking bomb.