A blood with strong foundation

Although Yu Yan understood the main purpose and use of the bracelet, there was an unknown force on her head that seems trying to wrap her mind, making her more confused.

Zhiyuan felt helpless, he regretted that he reacted when he noticed the bracelet knowing that Yu Yan is still like a child who asked a lot that gives him a headache to explain.

Moreover, if only Zhiyuan can leave Yu Yan alone, he won't hesitate to disappear in an instant to dodge her constant questions.

Accepting the situation that he made a mistake, Zhiyuan has no choice but to patiently explain everything carefully and clear for Yu Yan to understand.

Therefore, Zhiyuan took a deep breath before he speaks. "Since you have a Xue shòu's blood, it can limit your ability to make you like a normal human.."

"The connection will require you to drink a blood with a good foundation before you can make a connection with each other..." He continued before Yu Yan can speak.

Yu Yan: "..."

Drink blood to be connected?