A whisper

Unfortunately, Li FuJin did not answer her questions, but his playful hands run on her curves while he asked with a dangerous voice. "Want to play with me?"

Yu Yan: "..."

What play?! 

Yu Yan's face instantly turned deary, while she gritted her teeth because of annoyance then she angrily said. "Li! Fu! Jin!"

Li FuJin: "..."

Watching Yu Yan with anger on her cute little face, Li FuJin's lips twitched, and with his cold voice. "No longer afraid of me?"

Yu Yan: "..."   

Her body stiffened, there was a sudden chill on her body, but Yu Yan angrily screamed. "I... I don't care! Where have you been going?!"

"Making a child with another woman" Li FuJin immediately answered with his deep cold voice while scrutinizing her expression.

Yu Yan: "..."   

Making a child?   

With another woman?!   

Yu Yan was stunned! She did not expect that Li FuJin would suddenly tell her that he has been making a child with another woman.