
A chill suddenly runs through YuYan's body. She punched him on his chest while she keeps on lowering her head. "Stop it! I don't want to talk about it! "

Lips secretly curved while staring at her beautiful blushing little face, Li FuJin can't help but to remember how sweet she's been singing while he's kissing her.

Therefore, Li FuJin bent over to whisper, but he bit gently bit her ear before he speaks with a sexy magnetic voice. "I want it"

Apprehension instantly runs through her body, YuYan immediately shook her head while her cheeks continuously turning red. "No!"

With her blushing cheeks, Li FuJin suddenly chuckled but deep inside, her actions only made him feel more eager to make her completely belonged to him.

Surprisingly, keeping her head lowered down because of embarrassment, YuYan's eyes fell on Li FuJin's left wounded waist that almost covered with the quilt.

It has been wrapped with bandage, but there were traces of blood that means it's actually bleeding.