I won't disappoint you

Taking a deep breath while he knew he cannot decline her request, Mo YuMin speaks with a serious voice. "I'll settle everything" 

Getting what she wanted while she knew her brother will not decline, a sweet smile reflected on Xiao YuYi's lips while satisfaction appeared on her gorgeous face. "I can't wait too long.." 

"Leave it to me" Mo YuMin said while he bent over to kiss Xiao YuYi on her forehead before his scarlet eyes turned back to normal. 

With excitement on her heart, Xiao YuYi can't help but to bury her face on her big brother's chest while she tightened her embrace like she can't express how happy she was. 

Nevertheless, the uneasiness she felt with Li FuJin before when he came to her room has been replaced with dedication after she discovered that it was him who owned the pendant.