If you don't want to die

A scarlet eyes began gleaming while a murderous aura emitted from Mo YuMin's body, he stood up and turned around to leave his bedroom.  

Looking for Lou ShenRu, Mo YuMin found his best friend happily drinking tea in a gazebo that is covered with red flowers behind the mansion's garden.  

Sitting on a tea table while gently stroking YuYan's white fluffy pet which is silently sleeping on his lap, Lou ShenRu mumbled. "Didn't you visit your owner? She will need you on her side..."  

However, the white cat didn't open its eyes, but it suddenly buried its face on Lou ShenRu's arms while its fluffy tail curled on its body.  

Right after the fluffy white cat suddenly feel frightened, Mo YuMin's unbearable aura from a far took Lou ShenRu's attention.  

He turned his head to look at his best friend who's approaching his location, but Lou ShenRu raised his eyebrow in curiosity.