Someone you want to be with

She opened her mouth, but the unknown words did not leave her throat, while her mind that keeps on bugging her to say Lu JunShi's name that made YuYan feel troubled.

Blinking her eyes multiple times, YuYan can sense that her big brother is waiting for her response. "I... I don't know.. I just.." She doesn't know what to say.

"Do you love someone else?" Mo YuMin asked after watching YuYan sighed softly with sadness on her clear black eyes.

YuYan: "..." Love? Someone else?

With her sealed mentality, YuYan still doesn't understand the true meaning behind her big brother's words. "I love you... Very much! More than anyone..." She kissed Mo YuMin on his cheek.

Mo YuMin sighed softly. He knew YuYan still didn't understand what he means. "I love you more, but do you love someone aside from big brother?"

YuYan: "..." Aside from brother?

YuYan did not respond, she just stared at her big brother with a confused look while she tries to think about love aside from her brothers.