His name is Xi'an

Waiting at his own apartment in greenfield building, Zhiyuan is watching Xi'an who is silently playing beside him on the sofa until he heard the door was opened. 

Hearing the sound of the door, it was followed by footsteps that made Zhiyuan turned his head and saw Xiao XiRan who has a mischievous smile on his face after seeing the child. 

Xiao XiRan suddenly stopped his steps while he stares at little boy's face, but he cannot clearly see his appearance while he was playing that only shows half of his face. 

Xiao XiRan: "..." Wait.. Why does the boy look like... 

His heart skipped a beat, but he continued to approach Zhiyuan and sits beside him. Xiao XiRan said while he took the little boy on his lap and smiled mischievously. "You didn't mention that you already have a child.." 

Zhiyuan: "..." 

Lowering his head to look at the little boy's features which have grayish hair and sky blue eyes, Xiao XiRan wrinkles his brows while his heart suddenly began pumping fast.