A merciless hunter

With Marlene's continues silence, Li FuJin did not ask further while he tries to scan his peaceful surroundings that made him feel more suspicious.

But Marlene keeps on cursing on her thoughts. 'That crazy cat! Is this why he disagrees with my condition?! Why did he not tell me that I will be involved in this family again?! Xi Zhiyuan! I will kill you when I get back!'

Not long after walking for two hours, Li FuJin immediately stopped. A black sword instantly appeared on his hand out of nowhere while Marlene flew away from his shoulder.   


A huge beast with two horns that looks like a triceratops suddenly appeared twenty steps away from Li FuJin. It has a hard dark scale with thorns on his body while it has a gleaming green eyes.

Roar! Roar!    

An unbearable roar rang on Li FuJin's ears like his eardrums will explode, and like a hungry beast, it runs towards Li FuJin with a heavy steps that made the ground shake.